- Chernenko, K. U.1
- Chiama, Jean1
- Committee on the Drafting of a Model Human Rights Charter for Developing Countries1
- Conference of the European Sections of the International Commission of Jurists1
- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe1
- Council of Europe. Committee of Ministers1
- Cranston, Maurice1
- Daes, Erica-Irene A.1
- Dalos, György1
- Danske menneskerettighedscenter1
- David, Lea1
- Der Konferenz über Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa1
- Duparc, Christiane1
- Emmert, Frank1
- Esiemokhai, Emmanuel Omoh1
- Fitzpatrick, Catherine A.1
- Fleischman, Janet1
- Fletcher, Laurel E.1
- Forum Menschenrechte1
- Gilbert, Martin1