- UNICEF. Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic States1
- Ukrainska hromadska hrupa spryiannia vykonanniu helsinkskykh uhod (Kiev, Ukraine)1
- United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders1
- United Nations Workshop for the Asia-Pacific Region on Human Rights Issues1
- United Nations. Commission on Human Rights1
- United Nations. Economic and Social Council1
- United Nations. Secretary-General1
- United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations1
- United States. President1
- Verstappen, Berth1
- Voorhoof, Dirk1
- Vukobrat, Boris I.1
- Ward, Jeanne1
- Watts, Larry1
- Windelen, Heinrich1
- Wolf, Lore1
- Woods, Jeanne M.1
- Workshop on International Human Rights Instruments and Reporting Obligations1
- Workshop on Regional Human Rights Arrangements in the Asian and Pacific Region1
- Yonan, Gabriele1