- Svirskii, Grigorii3
- Lustiger, Arno2
- Bingham, Jonathan B.1
- Bland-Spitz, Daniela1
- Erenburg, Il´ia1
- Gendlin, Leonard1
- Gilbert, Martin1
- Gudkov, Lev Dmitrievich1
- International Symposium "Lessons of the Holocaust and Contemporary Russia" (9th : 2015 : Moscow, Russia)1
- Ivanova, E. A.1
- Jelen, Christian1
- Jones, Dennis1
- Kende, Tamás1
- Koenen, Gerd1
- Korey, William1
- Kosharovskii, IUlii1
- Mertens, Lothar1
- Olʹshanskii, D.1
- Pinkus, Benjamin1
- Rabinovich, Solomon1