- Communist International. Congress2
- Orlov, O. P.2
- Statisticheskoe upravlenie goroda Moskvy2
- Adler, Nanci1
- Anti-Taylor, William1
- Bazunov, B.1
- Bek, Aleksandr1
- Belozerskaia-Bulgakova, L. E.1
- Communist International Congress1
- Hürlimann, Martin1
- International Symposium "Lessons of the Holocaust and Contemporary Russia" (9th : 2015 : Moscow, Russia)1
- Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich1
- Kirk, Lydia1
- Kokorev, Ivan Timofeevich1
- Kovalev, Anatolii Petrovich1
- Le Carré, John1
- Liebert, Wacław1
- Mayenburg, Ruth von1
- Okulicki, Leopold1
- Okunev, N. P.1