- Campbell, Robert Wellington1
- Castro, Fidel1
- Catti De Gasperi, Maria Romana1
- Clemens, Walter C.1
- Clissold, Stephen1
- Cohn-Bendit, Daniel1
- Conference on Behavioral Sciences and the Mass Media1
- Conference on the Russian Revolution1
- Ello, Paul1
- Farkas, Endre1
- Filimonov, Eduard Gennad'evich1
- Fischer, George1
- Gajcy, Tadeusz1
- Gawalewicz, Adolf1
- Giertych, Jędrzej1
- Gomułka, Władysław1
- Gregory, James Stothert1
- Greig, Ian1
- Görlich, Johann Wolfgang1
- Hacker, Jens1