- Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute at OSI-Budapest1
- Czechoslovak Unit1
- Davis, Peter1
- Dawletschin, Tamurbek1
- Debray, Régis1
- Demszky, Gábor1
- Dimitrov, Georgi1
- Dittmer, Lowell1
- Dyulgerov, Georgi1
- Dürr, Béla1
- Edwards, Lovett Fielding1
- Erenburg, Ilʹia1
- Fic, Victor M.1
- Film Studio of the Hungarian Workers Militia1
- Fondation pour une entraide intellectuelle européenne, FEIE1
- Free Europe Committee, Inc1
- Fryling, Jan1
- Fábry, Péter1
- Garliński, Jȯzef1
- Gawenda, Jerzy August Bolesław1