- United States. Congress. House. Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran1
- United States. Department of State1
- Veit, Fritz1
- Verstappen, Berth1
- Vince, József1
- Volev, Nikolai1
- Volkov, Oleg1
- VostSib Studia Kinokhroniki1
- Wagenlehner, Günther1
- Weschler, Joanna1
- Whitman, Lois1
- Wiesel, Elie1
- Woodward, Bob1
- Wright, Peter1
- de Boer, Leo1
- Éliás, József1
- Éva Kapitány1
- Čapek, Vratislav1
- Đurić, Antonije1
- Łopiński, Maciej1