- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)545
- Héderváry, Claire de13
- David Rohde5
- Conciliation Resources (Organization)2
- International Commission of Jurists (1952- )2
- Ackerman, Peter1
- African Seminar on International Human Rights Standards and the Administration of Justice1
- Aghion, Anne1
- Alexander, Edward1
- Alvazzi del Frate, Anna1
- Anastasion, Daniele1
- Arca, Nurdan1
- Association for the promotion of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human rights1
- Bassiouni, M. Cherif1
- Berlinger, Joe1
- Berman, Harold J.1
- Bevan, Robert1
- Blinken, Donald1
- Bonnichon, André1
- Bridgham, Julie1