- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)122
- Open Society Archives at Central European University29
- Héderváry, Claire de25
- David Rohde17
- The New York Times12
- Samizdat Archives6
- Capra, Frank5
- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc - Research Institute5
- Physicians for Human Rights4
- Csákó, Mihály3
- Open Media Research Institute3
- The Los Angeles Times3
- Lefebvre, Henri2
- Malhotra, Iqbal2
- McAllister, Sean2
- Samizdat Archives of Radio Free Europe2
- Sebag Montefiore, Simon2
- Shepard, David2
- Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen2
- Achbar, Mark1