- Bortstieber, Gertrud2
- Nóvé, Béla2
- American Trade Union Delegation to the Soviet Union1
- Balogh, Eva S.1
- Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules Amede1
- Barnes, James Strachey1
- Beneš, Edvard1
- Berdiaev, Nikolai1
- Communist International1
- Communist International (Comintern)1
- Communist International. Congress1
- Dulles, John Foster1
- Eastman, Max1
- Edwards, Charles Eugene1
- Figner, Vera1
- Flaherty, Robert J.1
- Herzen, Aleksandr1
- International Conference of the Executive Committees of Three International Organizations1
- Krasnov, P. N.1
- Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich1