- Bortstieber, Gertrud4
- Ivens, Joris3
- Barnes, James Strachey2
- Berdiaev, Nikolai2
- Carr, Edward Hallett2
- Chamberlin, William Henry2
- Communist International. Congress2
- Dutt, R. Palme2
- Eastman, Max2
- Freeman, Joseph2
- Hitler, Adolf2
- Hubbard, Leonard E.2
- Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich2
- Nóvé, Béla2
- Pallai, Péter2
- Samizdat Archives2
- American Trade Union Delegation to the Soviet Union1
- Anstey, Edgar1
- Atholl, Katharine Marjory Stewart-Murray1
- Balogh, Eva S.1