- Ader, Emile Bertrand1
- Adet, Anne-Claire1
- Adi, Yasmina2
- Adigozel, Elvin1
- Adju, Arina1
- Adler, Nanci3
- Adlhoch, Judith1
- Adonyi, Ferenc1
- Aeppli, Simon1
- Afanasʹev, IU. N.1
- Afarideh, Hadi1
- Afdile, Mamdooh1
- Affonso, Beatriz .1
- African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights1
- African Seminar on International Human Rights Standards and the Administration of Justice1
- Afzali, Mahnaz2
- Aganbegian, Abel Gezevich1
- Agar, Herbert2
- Agar, Jon1
- Agarwal, Sheetal S.1