- Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees1
- Pechota, Vratislav1
- Peerenboom, R. P.1
- Pertofsky, Adam1
- Pimsleur, Julia1
- Poland. Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich1
- Ragazzi, Luca1
- Remeikis, Thomas1
- Robertson, A. H.1
- Rubenstein, Joshua1
- Rubin, Barnett R.1
- Scagliotti, John1
- Schoultz, Lars1
- Sottas, Eric1
- Szawlowski, Richard1
- Thoolen, Hans1
- Toch, Marta1
- Tomaševski, K.1
- Trefaut, Sergio1
- Tritt, Rachel1