- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1902-19852
- Marx, Karl2
- Meany, George, 1894-19802
- Mód, Péter, 1911-19962
- Narāthipphongpraphan, Prince, grandson of Mongkut, King of Siam2
- Oatis, William Nathan, 1914-19972
- Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich2
- Pásztor, Tamás, 1911-19742
- Péter, János, 1853-2
- Stalin, Joseph2
- Townley, Ralph2
- Azef, Evno Fishelevich1
- Bentley, Alvin M. (Alvin Morell), 1918-19691
- Bernadette1
- Bone, Edith1
- Bunin, Ivan Alekseevich1
- Campaigne, Curtis1
- Dewey, John1
- Epstein, Julius, 1901-19751
- Gombrowicz, Witold1