The program features songs performed by Nozhkin, Klyachkin and Gorodnitsky:
"Early in the morning, as soon as they wake up...",
"I love nature..."
"The old lady is standing, wincing in a smile...",
“I’ve been some kind of scared buffoon since birth...”
"I drank birch sap in the spring forest...",
“I had to say goodbye to my single life...”
"Man on the Planet"
“Here is your hair, here is your neck, your legs...”
“A girl walks through Moscow at night...”,
"Indian summer has died down, the Indian summer has begun to ring..."
"Couples are good on a white night...",
"Snowfall rustles quietly on the branches...",
"The sun is setting low over Canada...".
В передаче звучат песни в исполнении Ножкина, Клячкина и Городницкого:
"Рано утром, едва лишь проснутся...",
"Обожаю я природу...",
"Стоит старушка, в улыбке морщится...",
"Я какой-то с рожденья испуганный шут...",
"Я в весеннем лесу пил березовый сок...",
"Мне с жизнью холостой пришлось проститься...",
"Человек на планете",
"Вот волосы твои, вот шея, ноги...",
"По ночной Москве идет девчонка...",
"Отшумело, отзвенело бабье лето...",
"Белой ночью хороши парочки...",
"Тихо по веткам шуршит снегопад...",
"Над Канадой солнце низкое садится...".