Amerika : Russian writers view the United States

General Information

[Normal, Ill.] : Dalkey Archive Press, 2004.
Physical Description
xiii, 174 p. ; 22 cm.


Iossel, Mikhail.
Parker, Jeff, 1974-


Public opinion > Russia (Federation)
National characteristics, American.
Authors, Russian > Attitudes.
Authors, Russian > Travel > United States.
United States > Foreign public opinion, Russian.
United States > Civilization > 1970-
United States > Relations > Russia (Federation)
Russia (Federation) > Relations > United States.

Bibliographic Information

edited by Mikhail Iossel and Jeff Parker.
Introduction / Mikhail Iossel -- Mistakes in the guidebook / Mikhail Aizenberg -- The ocean : a journey to San Francisco / Anatoly Barzakh -- Chelyabinsk-Moscow / Dmitry Bavilsky -- You are not in Chicago, my dear! / Marina Boroditskaya -- Spaces and places / Evgeny Bunimovich -- Otherworldly America / Oleg Dark -- Do not a gun / Arkadh Dragomoschenko -- Nine-and-a-half Americas / Max Frai -- Gone with the world / Maria Galina -- America of the mind / Sergey Gandlevsky -- A real American girl / Linor Goralik -- Goodbye, America, and - hello! / Olga Ilnitskaya -- On American culture / Leonid Kostyukov -- "Mew" instead of "moo" / Grigori Kruzhkov -- A poem about a Canadian passport / Artur Kudashev -- Luxembourg / Dmitry Kuzmin -- When I think of America ... / Aleksandr Levin -- The zoo of freedom and the Russian mentality / Sergey Leybgrad -- Forever and the earth / Stanislav Lvovsky -- Worn jeans and banned fruits / Aleksey Mikheev -- America as freedom and image / Dmitry Prigov -- America as it is and is not / Igor Shevelev -- A letter to Americans / Aleksey Tsvetkov, Jr. -- Low-level flight in tense atmospheric conditions / Vladimir Tuchkov -- America in my life / Dmitry Vedenyapin -- A semester in Texas / Andrey Zorin.


Item Type Current Location Collection Call Number Volume Info Shelving Location Public Note
BookOSA Archivum LibraryGeneral collection973 IOSGeneral StacksDonation of Irina Papkova.

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