Heroic art and socialist realism: monuments, memory and representations of the Socialist past after 1989

General Information

Sofia : Cultural Arcs Foundation, 2018.
Physical Description
298 p. ; 24 cm.


Vukov, Nikolai, 1971- (editor)
Kazalarska, Svetla, 1976- (editor)


Memorials > Eastern Europe.
Monuments > Eastern Europe.
Realism in art.

Bibliographic Information

edited by Nikolai Vukov and Svetla Kazalarska.
"The publication is a result of the international project 'Heroes We Love. Ideology, Identity and Socialist Art in New Europe'."
Nikolai Vukov: Sacred chronologies and lines of continuities with preceding epochs in the monuments after 1944 in Bulgaria -- Tomislav Oroz, Nevena Skrbic Alempijevic: Heroic topographies. Hero-making and place-making in Hrvatsko Zagorje -- Neza Cebron Lipovec, Katja Hrobat Virloget: Between "brotherhood among nations" and nationalism -- Yana Yancheva: The image of the "heroic youth" in Bulgarian leftist poetry of the 1930s and 1940s and in the art of Socialist realism in the first decade after 1944 -- Rossitza Ohridska-Olson: Postcard heroism: tourism advertising or Communist propaganda? -- Borut Klabjan: Beyond post-Socialist memory. Politics of the past in Slovenia from the Cold War to the present -- Ana Luleva: Heroes and monuments. Local projections of the national memory in Bulgaria -- Valentin Voskresenski: Memory and representations of the political repressions in Bulgaria: the cult of Catholic "new martyrs" after 1989 -- Matthias Bickert: Cultural landscapes and identity in Albania - "albanianism" between Socialist monuments and re-sanctification -- Valentina Gueorguieva: Buzludza between controversy and canonisation -- Aneta Vasileva, Emilia Kaleva: Live or let die: post-Socialist public space in the context of its Socialist monuments -- Svetla Kazalarska: "Wrestling with context": curatorial dilemmas of exhibiting the art of Eastern Europe after1989 -- Summaries.


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BookOSA Archivum LibraryGeneral collection724.6 VUKGeneral Stacks-

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