Nem a levél a kapocs, amelynek köztünk lennie kell = The letter is not the link that should connect us : a Soros család levelezése = the Soros family correspondence 1947-1950

General Information

Hungarian, English.
Budapest : Blinken Open Society Archives, 2020.
Physical Description
564 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.


László-Herbert, Márk, 1975- (editor)
Rév, István, 1951- (editor)


"The Tivadar Soros family archive includes, among others, correspondence covering the period from 1900 to 1956. Part of this correspondence is the exchange between the members of the Soros family -- Tivadar Soros, his wife Erzsébet and their two sons Paul and George -- during the years 1947 to 1956, when they lived apart in Budapest (the parents), in London (George) and in New York (Paul). Most of the surviving letters are dated between the summer of 1947 and the end of 1950. It is from among these that we compiled this anniversary collection."-- editor's notes


Soros, Tivadar, 1894-1968 > Correspondence.
Szücs, Erzsébet, > Correspondence.
Soros, Paul,‏ 1926-2013 > Correspondence.
Soros‏, George, 1930- > Correspondence.

Bibliographic Information

szerkesztette/edited by: Mark László-Herbert, István Rév.
Altogether 12 copies were printed; 1 copy is available at Blinken OSA Library. To have access to the book permission of the family is requested.


Item Type Current Location Collection Call Number Volume Info Shelving Location Public Note
BookOSA Archivum LibraryNOT PUBLICOSA RepositoryTo have access to the book permission of the family is requested.

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