[Kurdish Tape - Various British Television News Clips]

Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-4-3 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Middle East: Iraq
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #78 / No. 1
Digital ver. identifier
Date of production
Primary Type
Moving image
English, Kurdish
52 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
A collection of British News Clips about the Kurdish refugee situation in the aftermath of the Gulf War. Clip 1: News report about the lack of supplies for the Kurds in the refugee camps. Interview with Dale Campbell Savours MP (Shadow Overseas Development Spokesman). Clip 2: Fundraising effort launched by Jeffrey Archer to serve the Kurdish refugees’ cause. Interviewed here are Michael Stopford (UN Spokesman) and Lynda Chalker (Overseas Development Minister). Clip 3: Jeremy Bowen reports for BBC News, from Halabja, about the life of the people who survived the Halabja chemical attacks and decided to return to the village to rebuild their lives. The report looks into the schooling system in Halabja. Contains an interview with Mahdi Abid (Halabja Education Committee) and footage with the children. Clip 4: Report about the Government’s blockade on Kurdistan being lifted. Jeremy Bowen reports for SIX News. Clip 5: Reporter Terry Lloyd and cameraman Mike Ingles travel to Kurdistan to investigate the Kurdish situation close to the Iranian border. Their report covers Zakho, Penjwin, Arbil and Sulaymaniyah areas. The report includes footage with the living conditions in Kurd villages and refugee camps. Interviewed here are Jalal Talabani (Kurdish Leader) and Ann Clwyd. The news report continues with a guest speaker, Mark Turpin from Oxfam, who addresses the issue of mismanaged UN funds. Clip 6, 7 (incomplete): Reporter Terry Lloyd and cameraman Mike Ingles travel to Kurdistan to investigate the Kurdish situation close to the Iranian border. They report from Sulaymaniyah, Iraq on the Kurdish Peshmerga guerilla fighters. The report contains footage with the Iraqi torture blocks and a video with a Kurd being interrogated by the Iraqi Secret Police. Former Kurdish prisoners, among which Jamal Amen, give detailed accounts of the prison chambers and torture techniques used by the Iraqi forces. Clip 8: Interview with Iraqi Diplomat Zuhair Ibrahim. Clip 9: Newsnight report about funds destined for aiding the Kurds ending up in Saddam Hussein’s hands. Interview with Dr. Goren Jamal from the Kurdish Relief Association and Mike Whitlam, Director General of British Red Cross. Clip 10: Interview held in a refugee camp in Northern Iraq with a member of Medicine Sans Frontières. Clip 11: News report about celebrating Christmas in Iraqi Kurdistan where there are around 2000 Kurdish Christians. Contains an interview with Jalal Talabani (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan). Reporter: Jonathan Rugman for BBC News from Northern Iraq. Clip 12: Report by Jonathan Rugman on the high prices and declining economy in Kurdistan. Clip 13: Report about what has been done with the available UN funds in order to assist the Kurdish refugees. Contains a report by Michael Nicholson on Jeffrey Archer’s exploration of Northern Iraq—Archer wants to find out what has happened with the money he collected in the “Simple Truth Campaign.” Interview with Mohammed Assadalah (UN Relief Team). Clip 14: Brief report about the Kurds encouraging Turkey to break the UN economic blockade on Iraq. Clip 15: News report about winter in Iraqi Kurdistan and its effects on the refugees. Interview with Ekber Menemencioglu, UN Representative. Clip 16: Footage with Jeffrey Archer meeting Kurds and assessing their situation in Arbil, Iraq. Clip 17: Report by Bob Simpson (Foreign Affairs Correspondent) covering the torture and elimination of the Kurds by Ali Hassan al-Majid and Saddam Hussein.