French television program hosted by Daniel Bilalian about the Kurds. It contains a discussion with various French journalists, activists, and politicians about the Kurdish issue. Present in the studio are Kendal Nezan (Director of the Paris Kurdish Institute), Mahmoud Osman (Kurdish Socialist Party), and Dr. Frederic Tissot who has been involved with Kurdish issues in France. The program includes interviews with Hamed Youssef Hamadi (Iraqi Minister of Information), Henry Kissinger (former U.S. Secretary of State), Jean-Francois Deniau (Deputy of the French Democratic Union Party), Jean-Paul Tixdmeras (Médecins Sans Frontière), and Kurdish refugees in France. Also contains a report from a special envoy in Turkey led by Jerome Bony. The program includes footage of the exodus of 1991, as well as peshmerga fighting the guerilla war against Iraq.