Clip 1: Continuation of the CNN Evening News presented by David French. The news provide information about the deployment of U.S. troops in the Middle East within the Operation Desert Shield—the U.S. military deployment to defend Saudi Arabia after Saddam Hussein declared Kuwait Iraq’s 19th province. The news also includes CNN Time polls covering opinions on the U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, the seriousness of the invasion, President H.W. Bush’s performances, and U.S. actions and objectives; Tony Clark’s report about farmers and rice production affected by the Gulf crisis, from Katy, Texas; interviews with Jim Willis (USA Rice Council), Bob Mitchell (Brig. Gen. U.S.A.F Deputy Director of Plans), President George H.W. Bush, Arabs who support Saddam Hussein and wish to join the Iraqi forces, and Dr. Hanan Ashrawi (Palestinian Teacher). The Evening News continues with a report by Linda Scherzer from the West Bank in which she interviews Saeb Arakot (Political Scientist) about the role of the Palestinians to bring peace in the Middle East. Clip 2: NBC News containing footage from Michigan presenting the Arab community dealing with the news that Kuwait was attacked by Iraq. Contains interviews with various personalities offering explanations for Saddam Hussein’s aggressive actions as well as interviews with Arabs showing support or disdain for the Iraqi leader. The report contains NBC News television correspondent Bob Simmon’s coverage from Cairo about tensions and existing alliances in Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia in the context of a new conflict in the Middle East. The NBC News, coordinated by news anchor Tom Brokaw, continues with the “Meet the Press” report, where Garrick Utley moderates a discussion between guests Prince Bandar Bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia (Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.), Dick Cheney (U.S. Defense Secretary), and the panelists John Cochran (NBC News White House Correspondent) and Fred Francis (Pentagon Correspondent). Clip 3: CNN Newsday presents and discusses excerpts from a speech held by Saddam Hussein’s spokesman on Iraqi TV and reports live from Kennebunkport, Maine, on President George H.W. Bush keeping track of the crisis in the Gulf. News anchors: Sheryl Atkinson and Patrick Greenlaw. CNN Live correspondents: Jim Clancy (Cairo), Frank Sesno (Kennebunkport, Maine), Anthony Collings (the Pentagon). Interviewees: Dean Fischer (Time Magazine) and James Akins (U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 1973–1975) on the emerging tensions between Iraq, Israel, and the Western nations; President Bush on UN sanctions; and Dick Cheney (Defense Secretary) on the U.S. military capability in the Gulf. Clip 4: ABC News with newscaster Sam Donaldson about the invasion of Kuwait and the U.S. response to Iraq. The news correspondents are John McKenzie reporting from London (UK), Barry Dunsmore reporting from Cairo (Egypt), and Bob Jamieson reporting from the White House (U.S.). The reports contain: footage from the first days of the invasion of Kuwait by the Iraqi forces, footage with Tariq Aziz (Iraqi Foreign Minister) giving a speech, images from various meetings between Iraqi and Arab officials, an interview with President George H. W. Bush, and archival footage illustrating Saddam’s previous actions in the war with Iran. Interviewees include Anthony Cordesman (Former Professor at Georgetown University and national security analyst for ABC New) and Irwin Kellner (Manufacturers Hanover Trust). Guests on the program are Turgut Ozal (Turkish President), Abdul Amir al-Anbari (Iraqi ambassador to UN), and James Baker (U.S. Secretary of State): they take part in a discussion with Pierre Salinger (ABC News) and Cokie Roberts (ABC News).