CNN News Broadcasts of the Gulf War [3/4]

Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-4-3 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Middle East: Iraq
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #105 / No. 1
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Date of production
Primary Type
Moving image
1 hour 34 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
Continuation of the CNN live coverage of the ground war in the Persian Gulf and ABC News coverage of the situation in the Gulf. Contains military briefings, statements from Iraqi officials, and coverage from the White House and Kuwait City. Clip 1: News anchors Bernard Shaw (CNN Washington) and Susan Brook (CNN Center) report live about the developments of the ground war in Kuwait. Correspondent Frank Sesno from the White House, Wolf Blitzer from the Pentagon, and Dan Blackburn from the U.S. Marine base in Camp Pendleton, California, report on the ending of the ground war in Kuwait. Contains interviews with U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Rose-Ann Sgrignoli, Master Serg. Graff Sosebee, C.W.O. Paul Miner, Maj. Mary Forde, and Sgt. Steve Castonguay. Clip 2: Interviews with U.S. soldier deployed in Eastern Saudi Arabia. Clip 3: Susan Brook reports in “The Gulf War – Day 42” about the liberation of Kuwait. Contains footage and interviews with Kuwaitis and members of the coalition forces. Clip 4: Bernard Shaw presents the highlights of the liberation of Kuwait. CNN correspondents Charles Jaco and Tom Mintier report from Kuwait about the destruction that took place during the occupation of Kuwait by the Iraqi forces and the events following the liberation. Clip 5: Rick Moore and Molly McCoy from CNN Center present “Toward Peace in the Gulf,” which contains excerpts of George H. W. Bush’s speech about the liberation of Kuwait; a fragment of Tariq Aziz’s (Iraqi Foreign Minister) statement about complying with the UN resolutions; footage with Baghdad (Iraq) under attack; Mary Tillotson’s report from CNN White House; Richard Roth’s report from Tel Aviv (Israel); Tony Clark’s report from Amman (Jordan); an interview with Nachman Shai (IDF Spokesman); a discussion with CNN’s Military Analyst Maj. Gen. Perry Smith about the tactics used in the ground war; a live report by CNN correspondent Gene Randall from the Pentagon about a potential breach in the cease fire agreement; a discussion with Stuart Varney (CNN Business News Desk) and Robert Hormats (Vice Chairman, Golden Sachs Intl.) about the implications of the cease fire on the world financial markets; ITN correspondent Jeremy Thompson’s report from Kuwait; Bill Blakemore’s (ABC News) news briefing from Baghdad; Jerry King’s news report about the reactions throughout the region—Egypt, Jordan, and Syria—to the cease fire agreement; an interview with Mohammed Sayed Ahmed (Arab Analyst); Dean Reynolds’ news report from Egypt to ABC News; and an interview with Benjamin Netanyahu (Dep. Israeli Foreign Minister). Clip 6: Rebecca Chase reports on “American Agenda” about Clarke County, Alabama, where the community encounters difficulties because of the absence of many of the members of their community who left the town to engage in the Gulf War. Clip 7: Mark Coogan reports about the light casualties the U.S. has suffered as a result of their involvement in the Gulf War. David Ochmanek (Rand Corp. Military Expert) explains the conditions for this development. Clip 8: Interviews with Iraqis on peace and war in Iraq and Kuwait. Clip 9: Jeremy Thompson reports from Kuwait City about Kuwaitis celebrating the liberation, but also considering the destruction caused by the war. Clip 9: News report about pro-Iraqi demonstrators in Jordan and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) calling for the UN to back up the Palestinians. Clip 10: Judy Woodruff interviews Mohammad Abulhasan (UN Ambassador, Kuwait) inquiring about the diplomatic and military storms in Kuwait. Clip 11: interview with Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Zalman Shoval. Clip 12: Talk-show on the post-war future in the Middle East with: Richard Helms (Former CIA director and U.S. Ambassador to Iran), Edward Said (Member of the Palestine National Council, Professor of Comparative Literature), Gary Sick (Member of the U.S. National Security Council in the Ford and Carter Administration), Daniel Pipes (Former Middle East Analyst at the U.S. State D