La Croix-Rouge adresse un message de Noël et du Nouvel An aux équipes travaillant en Autriche en faveur des réfugiés hongrois [Holiday Message that Salutes Relief Workers for their Work in Helping the Hungarian Refugees]
Records of this digital collection were assembled to document the work of the UN Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary established on January 10, 1957 by the United Nations General Assembly for the purpose of investigating the 1956 Hungarian revolution.
Principal contributor(s): League of Red Cross Societies
Records of the UN Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary: UN Documents (HU OSA 398-0-1)
"La Croix-Rouge adresse un message de Noël et du Nouvel An aux équipes travaillant en Autriche en faveur des réfugiés hongrois", 24 December 1956. HU OSA 398-0-1-6919; Records of the UN Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary: UN Documents; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
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