Vedushchaia - Vera Kuznetsova.
Tema - Interv'iu s Sergeem Shakhraem, vitse-prem'erom i liderom partii "Edinstvo i soglasie".
Ukaz prezidenta Chuvashii ob otsutstvii posledstvii otkaza voennosluzhashchikh respubliki ot voiny v Chechne. Politicheskoe uregulirovanie Viktorom Chernomyrdinym situatsii v Chechne. Zhertvy izderzhek chechenskoi operatsii.
Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings (HU OSA 297)
"[Conversation with Anatolii Kuznetsov]", 12 January 1995. HU OSA 297-0-1-52783; Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.
Ведущая - Вера Кузнецова.
Тема - Интервью с Сергеем Шахраем, вице-премьером и лидером партии "Единство и согласие".
Указ президента Чувашии об отсутствии последствий отказа военнослужащих республики от войны в Чечне. Политическое урегулирование Виктором Черномырдиным ситуации в Чечне. Жертвы издержек чеченской операции.
Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings (HU OSA 297)
"[Беседа с Анатолием Кузнецовым]", 12 January 1995. HU OSA 297-0-1-52783; Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.