Informator / "Solidarność" Region Środkowo-Wschodni : no. 48, 1983

Collection Information

Part of
Polish Underground Periodicals (view collection record)

General Information

Informator / "Solidarność" Region Środkowo-Wschodni : no. 48, 1983 / "Solidarność" Region Środkowo-Wschodni
Lublin : [s.n.], 1983 (Wolna Drukarnia im. Radia "Wolna Europa")
Physical Description:
1 issue : typewritten, screen print, offset; 30 cm



Creation and circulation: Publication contains listing of titles of Polish underground press, mostly from Środkowo-Wschodni region
Print run: 5000-6000 copies
First issues of the underground Informator after the introduction of the Martial Law in typewritten form.
Frequency: Weekly
Related Title:
Informator Regionu Środkowo-Wschodniego NSZZ "Solidarność"
Additional Authors/Names:


Access and Use

Rights Statement:
Rights Reserved - Free Access
Library ID:
HU OSA LibSpColl_Pokolenie-10480
Suggested Citation:
"Informator / "Solidarność" Region Środkowo-Wschodni" / "Solidarność" Region Środkowo-Wschodni, 1983. HU OSA LibSpColl_Pokolenie-10480; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
Permanent URI:
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.

Collection Information

Part of
Polish Underground Periodicals (view collection record)

General Information

Informator / "Solidarność" Region Środkowo-Wschodni : no. 48, 1983 / "Solidarność" Region Środkowo-Wschodni
Lublin : [s.n.], 1983 (Wolna Drukarnia im. Radia "Wolna Europa")
Physical Description:
1 issue : maszyn. powiel., sito, off.; 30 cm



Powstanie i obieg: Pismo zamieszczało tytuły wychodzących w Polsce pism bezdebitowych, głównie z Regionu Środkowo-Wschodniego
Nakład: 5000-6000 egz
Pierwsze numery nielegalnego Informatora wydano po wprowadzeniu stanu wojennego w grudniu 1981 r. w formie maszynopisu
Częstotliwość: Tyg.
Related Title:
Informator Regionu Środkowo-Wschodniego NSZZ "Solidarność"
Additional Authors/Names:


Access and Use

Rights Statement:
Rights Reserved - Free Access
Library ID:
HU OSA LibSpColl_Pokolenie-10480
Suggested Citation:
"Informator / "Solidarność" Region Środkowo-Wschodni" / "Solidarność" Region Środkowo-Wschodni, 1983. HU OSA LibSpColl_Pokolenie-10480; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
Permanent URI:
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.