Press Accounts: [US Media: The New York Times: Story]

Collection Information

Part of
David Rohde Collection on Srebrenica (view collection record)

General Information

Press Accounts: [US Media: The New York Times: Story]
Physical Description:
114 pages


Allies announce strategy to curb fighting in Bosnia: US offers planes but not men.
The plans for safe areas in Bosnia may need 7500 more troops.
Bosnia backs the plan for creation of safe areas despite sharp local criticism.
The UNSC resolution establishes safe areas but lacks enforcement provision.
UN officials warn that conducting airstrikes against the Serbs will imperil their peacekeeping efforts.
US agrees to declare Srebrenica, a safe haven.
Warren Christopher fails to secure European help for airdrops.


HU OSA 377-0-1 Subject Files (HU OSA 377-0-1)
Part of Series:
HU OSA 377-0-1 Subject Files


Collection Specific Tags:
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, Boyd, Shannon, Cetin, Hikmet, Christopher, Warren, Clinton, Bill, Juppe, Alain, Karadžić, Radovan, Milošević, Slobodan, Mladić, Ratko, Morillon, Philippe, Ogata, Sadako, Vance, Cyrus, Wahlgren, Lars-EricCanadian peacekeepers, humanitarian aid, ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia), Moscow, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), NATO airstrikes, Peacekeepers, Safe areas, UNPROFOR (The United Nations Protection Force), UNSC (United Nations Security Council), US ground troops
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Rights Statement:
Rights Reserved - Free Access
Archival ID:
HU OSA 377-0-1:7/1
Suggested Citation:
"Press Accounts: [US Media: The New York Times: Story]", 1993. HU OSA 377-0-1:7/1; HU OSA 377-0-1 Subject Files; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
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