Kak feniks iz pepla. Fil'm chetvertyi: kodga Gagarin eshche khodil v shkolu

Collection Information

Part of
Soviet Propaganda Film Collection (view collection record)

General Information

Kak feniks iz pepla. Fil'm chetvertyi: kodga Gagarin eshche khodil v shkolu = Like the Phoenix from Its Ashes 4: When Gagarin Still Went to School.
Soviet Union: 1983
Physical Description:
00:27:43 : digital video


Scenes of war-damaged Soviet cities, the residents' efforts to handle their harsh living conditions and their participation in cleaning streets, restoring buildings and constructing new ones, the role of literature in overcoming the war trauma, restoration of industrial plants with the participation of children, construction of new plants across the Soviet Union, sale of new commodities in department stores, of classical ballet performances, the return of evacuated artworks to the State Hermitage, the construction of bunkers in the U. S. in anticipation of war with the Soviet Union, the first Soviet atomic and thermonuclear bomb testing, explained by the physicist Igor Kurchatov as purely defensive measures, the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, Sergei Korolev's rocket engineering, World War II monument in a Ukrainian village, commemoration ceremony in Stalingrad, rejuvenation of cities in Western Soviet republics.


Soviet Propaganda Film Collection (HU OSA 424-0-1)
Associated Names:
Grigoriev, Igor (director)
Gutman, Ilia (director)
Semionov, Tengiz (director)
Orlov, IUrii (camera)


Collection Specific Tags:
Alexandrov, Anatoly Petrovich, Kurchatov, Igor, Korolev, Sergei, Gagarin, YuriWWII, Museum, ICBM, Nuclear plant, Hydro plant
Additional Places:

Access and Use

Rights Statement:
Rights Reserved - Free Access
Archival ID:
HU OSA 424-0-1-052
Suggested Citation:
"Kak feniks iz pepla. Fil'm chetvertyi: kodga Gagarin eshche khodil v shkolu", 1983. HU OSA 424-0-1-052; Soviet Propaganda Film Collection; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
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