Peredacha Viktora Fedoseeva “Prava cheloveka”.
Petr Grigorenko i Pavel Litvinov o svoem vpechatlenii ot priema v Belom dome.
Metody narusheniia vlast'iu takikh prav, kak pravo na neprikosnovennost' zhilishcha, pravo perepiski i pravo tainy telefonnykh peregovorov. Dina Kaminskaia.
Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings (HU OSA 297)
"Human Rights", 01 July 1982. HU OSA 297-0-1-64968; Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.
Передача Виктора Федосеева “Права человека”.
Пётр Григоренко и Павел Литвинов о своём впечатлении от приёма в Белом доме.
Методы нарушения властью таких прав, как право на неприкосновенность жилища, право переписки и право тайны телефонных переговоров. Дина Каминская.
Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings (HU OSA 297)
"Права человека", 01 July 1982. HU OSA 297-0-1-64968; Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.