Chol lu - Proposal Song

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Chol lu - Proposal Song
Physical Description:
1 audio file


Chol lu or Proposal Song, is an engagement song. It is sung when the parents first inform the girl of marriage plans for her. This happens before the chang or beer ceremony, where the groom’s family formally asks for the hand of the girl. A group of female relatives come together and they start singing a special kind of chol lu (this informs the girl that there are plans to get her married). The song tells about how the daughter does not want to get married and leave her mother, but the mother is telling her daughter that she had also got married and marriage is a good thing.
This song is not being sung anymore. According to Nima Dolma’s explanation, marriages arranged by parents have become rare. Most young people choose their partners for themselves, so the occasion to sing this song does not rise anymore.
Sung by Nima Dolma, in her fifities, from Tsazar village.


This item is available in the <a href="" target='_new'>Digital Repository</a>.
HU OSA 437-1-20 Oral Tradition of Zanskar (HU OSA 437-1-20)
Associated Names:
Dolma, Nima (Performer)
Part of Series:
HU OSA 437-1-20 Oral Tradition of Zanskar


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Rights Statement:
Rights Reserved - Free Access
Archival ID:
HU OSA 437-1-20:1/1
Suggested Citation:
"Chol lu - Proposal Song", 2018. HU OSA 437-1-20:1/1; HU OSA 437-1-20 Oral Tradition of Zanskar; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
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