[Hungarian Monitoring: Night of the Referendum], 27 November 1989
Collection Information
- Part of
- RFE/RL Hungarian Radio Monitoring (view collection record)
General Information
- Collector:
- Title:
[Hungarian Monitoring: Night of the Referendum], 27 November 1989
- Created:
Munich (Germany): 27 November 1989
- Language:
- Physical Description:
41 p.
- Form/Genre:
- Summary:
Kossuth Radio's extraordinary broadcast of November 26, 1989 covering national referendum vote count until announcement of the first partial results at dawn.
László Rapcsányi's studio guests are: representatives of the larger opposition parties, constitutional lawyer Péter Schmidt, director of the Foreign Affairs Institute Péter Hardy, and two members of the National Election Committee.
The program includes correspondence and local reports from the larger provincial cities, opposition parties' headquarters, the Radio Free Europe offices and the Hunters' Hall in Parliament.
In the studio, party representatives evaluate the day's events and progress of the referendum based on available data, and also answer listeners' questions.
- Creation Note:
Transcripts of Hungarian national radio programs produced by the Hungarian Monitoring Unit of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
- Source:
Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute: Hungarian Unit: Monitoring (
HU OSA 300-40-8)
- Associated Names:
- Associated Places:
- Collection Specific Tags:
Áder, János, Balsai, István, Baráth, Gergely, Eörsi, Mátyás, Haraszti, Miklós, Hardy, Péter, Kasza, László, Szabad, György, Tamás, Gáspár Miklós, Torgyán, József
- Additional Places:
Access and Use
- Rights Statement:
- Rights Reserved - Free Access
- Use Conditions:
- Ownership of and financial copyrights to the reports belong to RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036, USA.
Users of RFE/RL content cannot alter the meaning, name or integrity of the content. RFE/RL reserves the right to revoke permission for use of its content at any time. The sale of RFE/RL content is strictly prohibited.
- Archival ID:
HU OSA 300-40-8-130-2
- Suggested Citation:
"[Hungarian Monitoring: Night of the Referendum], 27 November 1989", 27 November 1989. HU OSA 300-40-8-130-2; Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute: Hungarian Unit: Monitoring; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
- Permanent URI:
- When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.
Collection Information
- Part of
- RFE/RL Hungarian Radio Monitoring (view collection record)
General Information
- Collector:
- Title:
Magyar rádiófigyelő: Népszavazás éjszakája, 1989. november 27.
- Created:
München (Németország): 1989. november 27.
- Language:
- Physical Description:
41 p.
- Form/Genre:
- Summary:
A Kossuth Rádió rendkívüli adása az 1989. november 26-án tartott országos népszavazás feldolgozását közvetítette a hajnali első részeredményekig
Rapcsányi László stúdióvendégei a nagyobb ellenzéki pártok képviselői, Schmidt Péter alkotmányjogász, Hardy Péter, a Külügyi Intézet Igazgatója és az OVB két tagja volt.
A műsor folyamán körkapcsolásos tudósítások, helyszíni riportok hangzottak el nagyobb vidéki városokból, az ellenzéki pártok központjából, a SZER irodájából és a Parlament Vadászterméből.
A stúdióban a pártok képviselői a nap eseményeit és a referendum pillanatnyi állását értékelték a rendelkezésre álló adatok alapján, ill. betelefonáló hallgatók kérdéseire válaszoltak.
- Creation Note:
A magyar országos rádióadók műsorainak a Szabad Európa Rádió/Szabadság Rádió Magyar Monitoring Osztálya által készített átiratai.
- Source:
Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute: Hungarian Unit: Monitoring (
HU OSA 300-40-8)
- Associated Names:
- Associated Places:
- Collection Specific Tags:
Áder, János, Balsai, István, Baráth, Gergely, Eörsi, Mátyás, Haraszti, Miklós, Hardy, Péter, Kasza, László, Szabad, György, Tamás, Gáspár Miklós, Torgyán, József
- Additional Places:
Access and Use
- Rights Statement:
- Rights Reserved - Free Access
- Use Conditions:
- Ownership of and financial copyrights to the reports belong to RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036, USA.
Users of RFE/RL content cannot alter the meaning, name or integrity of the content. RFE/RL reserves the right to revoke permission for use of its content at any time. The sale of RFE/RL content is strictly prohibited.
- Archival ID:
HU OSA 300-40-8-130-2
- Suggested Citation:
"Magyar rádiófigyelő: Népszavazás éjszakája, 1989. november 27.", 1989. november 27. . HU OSA 300-40-8-130-2; Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute: Hungarian Unit: Monitoring; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
- Permanent URI:
- When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.