Hungarian Monitoring, 16 January 1990

Collection Information

Part of
RFE/RL Hungarian Radio Monitoring (view collection record)

General Information

Hungarian Monitoring, 16 January 1990
Munich (Germany): 16 January 1990
Physical Description:
75 p.


International Politics:
- Reports on the situation between Azerbaijan and Armenia
- Signs of extremist tendencies in the GDR
- Moldva-gate, the Czechoslovak phone tapping scandal
- Students occupy Polish United Workers' Party headquarters in Katowice
- Cambodia conference in Paris
- Armenian-Azeri conflict

Domestic Affairs:
- Mitterrand interview on the Hungarian state borders
- NATO delegation's negotiations in Budapest
- Genscher meets László Tőkés in Timisoara
- Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) delegation in talks in Bucharest
- George Soros promises to set up foundation in Romania
- Parliamentary committees in session

- Large loan from Japan
- Ganz Ammeter Works now in French possession


Creation Note:
Transcripts of Hungarian national radio programs produced by the Hungarian Monitoring Unit of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute: Hungarian Unit: Monitoring (HU OSA 300-40-8)
Associated Names:
Associated Places:


Collection Specific Tags:
Bartha, Ferenc, George, Bruce, Domokos, Géza, Ferge, Zsuzsa, Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, Glatz, Ferenc, Kálmán, József, Mitterrand, François, Palach, Jan, Pozsgay, Imre, Soros, George, Toshiki, Kaifu, Tőkés, László
Additional Places:

Access and Use

Rights Statement:
Rights Reserved - Free Access
Use Conditions:
Ownership of and financial copyrights to the reports belong to RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036, USA. Users of RFE/RL content cannot alter the meaning, name or integrity of the content. RFE/RL reserves the right to revoke permission for use of its content at any time. The sale of RFE/RL content is strictly prohibited.
Archival ID:
HU OSA 300-40-8-139-5
Suggested Citation:
"Hungarian Monitoring, 16 January 1990", 16 January 1990. HU OSA 300-40-8-139-5; Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute: Hungarian Unit: Monitoring; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
Permanent URI:
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.

Collection Information

Part of
RFE/RL Hungarian Radio Monitoring (view collection record)

General Information

[Magyar rádiófigyelő], 1990. január 16.
München (Németország): 1990. január 16.
Physical Description:
75 p.


- Tudósítások az azerbajdzsáni és örményországi helyzetről
- Szélsőséges irányzatok jelei az NDK-ban
- Moldva-gate, a csehszlovákiai lehallgatási botrány
- Diákok megszállták a LEMP katowicei székházát
- Kambodzsa-konferencia Párizsban
- Az örmény-azeri konfliktus

- Mitterrand interjú a magyar államhatár kérdésről
- NATO küldöttség budapesti tárgyalásai
- Temesváron Genscher találkozott Tőkés Lászlóval
- A MDF küldöttsége Bukarestben tárgyal
- Soros György romániai alapítvány létrehozását ígéri
- Országgyűlési bizottságok ülése

- Nagy összegű hitel Japántól
- Francia tulajdonba került a Ganz Árammérő Gyár


Creation Note:
A magyar országos rádióadók műsorainak a Szabad Európa Rádió/Szabadság Rádió Magyar Monitoring Osztálya által készített átiratai.
Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute: Hungarian Unit: Monitoring (HU OSA 300-40-8)
Associated Names:
Associated Places:


Collection Specific Tags:
Bartha, Ferenc, George, Bruce, Domokos, Géza, Ferge, Zsuzsa, Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, Glatz, Ferenc, Kálmán, József, Mitterrand, François, Palach, Jan, Pozsgay, Imre, Soros, George, Toshiki, Kaifu, Tőkés, László
Additional Places:

Access and Use

Rights Statement:
Rights Reserved - Free Access
Use Conditions:
Ownership of and financial copyrights to the reports belong to RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036, USA. Users of RFE/RL content cannot alter the meaning, name or integrity of the content. RFE/RL reserves the right to revoke permission for use of its content at any time. The sale of RFE/RL content is strictly prohibited.
Archival ID:
HU OSA 300-40-8-139-5
Suggested Citation:
"[Magyar rádiófigyelő], 1990. január 16.", 1990. január 16. . HU OSA 300-40-8-139-5; Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute: Hungarian Unit: Monitoring; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
Permanent URI:
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.