Mirotvorcheskii kontingent vydvinut v raion Tskhinvala. Valerii Konovalov. O uchastii rossiiskogo spets batal'ona v Iugoslavii. Evgenii Podkolzin.
Komitet za spravedlivost' v Berline. Dzhovanni Bensi.
Otkaz ispanskikh vastei ot peremiriia s baskami. Vladimir Reshetilov.
Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings (HU OSA 297)
"Events and People", 14 July 1992. HU OSA 297-0-1-63058; Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.
Миротворческий контингент выдвинут в район Цхинвала. Валерий Коновалов. О участии российского спец батальона в Югославии. Евгений Подколзин.
Комитет за справедливость в Берлине. Джованни Бенси.
Отказ испанских вастей от перемирия с басками. Владимир Решетилов.
Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings (HU OSA 297)
"События и люди", 14 July 1992. HU OSA 297-0-1-63058; Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.