IKS Informator Kulturalny Solidarności : no. 1, 1981

Collection Information

Part of
Polish Underground Periodicals (view collection record)

General Information

IKS Informator Kulturalny Solidarności : no. 1, 1981 / Region Mazowsze, Sekcja Kultury, [ed. R. Holzer, T. Jastrun, A. Pawlak i przyjaciele]
[Warszawa : s.n.], 1981
Physical Description:
1 issue : offset; 30 cm.



Motto: "The mouths shouting for the crowd will bore the crowd in the end and the faces entertaining the crowd will bore the crowd in the end. The hands fighting for the crowd, the crowd will cut off. The names it used to cherish, the crowd shall forget. Everything will pass. With rumble, hum and hardship. The heritage will rest upon the quiet, murky and petty." Adam Mickiewicz
Frequency: Biweekly
Address: ul. Mokotowska 16/22, [Warszawa]
Related Title:
IKS Informator Kulturalny Solidarności
Additional Authors/Names:


Access and Use

Rights Statement:
Rights Reserved - Free Access
Library ID:
HU OSA LibSpColl_Pokolenie-02615
Suggested Citation:
"IKS Informator Kulturalny Solidarności" / Region Mazowsze, Sekcja Kultury, [ed. R. Holzer, T. Jastrun, A. Pawlak i przyjaciele], 1981. HU OSA LibSpColl_Pokolenie-02615; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
Permanent URI:
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.

Collection Information

Part of
Polish Underground Periodicals (view collection record)

General Information

IKS Informator Kulturalny Solidarności : no. 1, 1981 / Region Mazowsze, Sekcja Kultury, [red. R. Holzer, T. Jastrun, A. Pawlak i przyjaciele]
[Warszawa : s.n.], 1981
Physical Description:
1 issue : off.; 30 cm



Motto: "Gęby za lud krzyczące sam lud w końcu znudzą, i twarze lud bawiące na końcu lud znudzą. Ręce za lud walczące sam lud poobcina. Imion miłych ludowi lud pozapomina. Wszystko przejdzie. Po huku, po szumie, po trudzie. Wezmą dziedzictwo cisi, ciemni, mali ludzie". Adam Mickiewicz
Częstotliwość: Dwutyg.
Adres red.: ul. Mokotowska 16/22, [Warszawa]
Related Title:
IKS Informator Kulturalny Solidarności
Additional Authors/Names:


Access and Use

Rights Statement:
Rights Reserved - Free Access
Library ID:
HU OSA LibSpColl_Pokolenie-02615
Suggested Citation:
"IKS Informator Kulturalny Solidarności" / Region Mazowsze, Sekcja Kultury, [red. R. Holzer, T. Jastrun, A. Pawlak i przyjaciele], 1981. HU OSA LibSpColl_Pokolenie-02615; Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest.
Permanent URI:
When you cite the online source, the phrase "[Electronic record]" should be inserted into the standard citation after the item title and date. The citation should be followed by the URI with the date you last accessed the resource in square brackets.