“Goddesses” is the story of three ordinary women from Tamil Nadu, India. They are prematurely aged and dirty. They live and work according to the rules they have set for themselves. Lakshmi, a professional 'funeral singer' visits bereaved houses with a troupe of drummers and for a pittance, she wails and laments and shares the grief of the other mourners. Krishnaveni, the ‘grave-digger’ earns her daily meal by accepting unclaimed bodies from the local police in order to give them a decent burial or cremation, digging and maintaining the graves herself. Sethuraku, the ‘fisherwoman’ goes out to sea, every morning with a few fellow fisherwomen to collect fish and prawns, singing to welcome the day. A story of women who are single but brave and who live extraordinary lives, surviving the darkest of times by going against society's norms.