Set in Belgrade of the early 1980s this film, a mixture between a thriller and a gangster movie, begins in a suburban taxi station where the usual routine is changed when one day a new driver comes to work – a beautiful young woman. At first hesitant towards her, full of prejudices and suspicious off her professional qualities, her experienced male colleagues eventually accept her as their equal and tell her their life stories. One of her older colleagues, an ex-boxer called Suger, suspects that his wife is cheating on him and when he catches her in the act, he deals with her lover, Bizmark. After the incident his wif who turns out to be drug addict used by Bizmark, leaves him and he gets badly beaten up. Suger decides to take justice into his own hand. At the same time, the police also get interested in Bizmark who has a fleet of girls around him, all of them drug addicts with a habit of disappearing mysteriously. In a spectacular showdown leading to the happy end, everyone gets involved; from a massive line of taxi drivers led by their beautiful colleague, to the local police and Interpol.