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21. Maradék [2005]
directed by Ambrus, Vilmos; Krasznahorkai, Balázs
Moving Image DVD-ROM (25 min.) Hungary : Inforg Stúdió, 2005

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00002773

22. Moszny [2005]
directed by Lakatos, Róbert
Moving Image DVD-ROM (40 min.) Hungary : Muhi, András, 2005

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00002722

directed by Gellér-Varga, Zsuzsanna
Original Title: Szomszédok voltak Moving Image DVD-ROM (65 min.) Hungary : Metaforum Film, 2005

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00002561

24. Our Vacation [2005]
directed by Tarján, Iván
Original Title: Mi is nyaralunk Moving Image DVD-ROM (09 min.) Hungary, 2005

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004442

25. Roma Exodus [2005]
directed by Bíró, Liza M.
Original Title: Roma kivándorlás Moving Image DVD-ROM (06 min.) Hungary : MTV - Hungarian Television, 2005

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00003906

by Miskolczy, Ambrus
Book 186 p. Budapest : Lucidus, 2005

Available in the Research Room

27. Scampolo [2005]
directed by Kisfaludy, András
Moving Image DVD-ROM (60 min.) Hungary, 2005

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00003273

directed by Bódis, Kriszta
Original Title: Rabszolgavasar (I. es II. Rész) Moving Image DVD-ROM (104 min.) Hungary : Inforg Stúdió, 2005

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00002772

29. Slave Trade [2005]
directed by Bódis, Kriszta
Original Title: Rabszolgavásár Moving Image DVD-ROM (34 min.) Hungary : Inforg Stúdió, 2005

Digital version available | HU_OSA_10000503

by Koehler, John O.
Book 485 p. 24 cm Budapest : Hamvas Béla Kultúrakutató Intézet, 2005

Available in the Research Room