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HU OSA 364 Béla Nóvé Collection
Archival Unit
Description Level: Fonds
Language: English, French, German, Hungarian
Communism & Cold War
HU OSA 364-1-4 Film and book project proposals, marketing and other documents (A Patria Nostra című dokumentumfilm és könyv előmunkálatai, marketing és egyéb dokumentumok)
[2012 - 2016]
Communism & Cold War
HU OSA 364-2 Archival sources and research material on Hungarians in the French Foreign Legion
[1890 - 2017]
HU OSA 364-2 Béla Nóvé Collection: Archival sources and research material on Hungarians in the French Foreign Legion
Archival Unit
Description Level: Subfonds
Language: English, French, German, Hungarian
Communism & Cold War
HU OSA 367 Vera and Donald Blinken Papers
Archival Unit
Description Level: Fonds
Language: English
Communism & Cold War, Human Rights
Communism & Cold War, Human Rights
Communism & Cold War, Human Rights
Communism & Cold War, Human Rights
Civil Society, Communism & Cold War, Human Rights
HU OSA 427 András Bíró Personal Papers
Archival Unit
Description Level: Fonds
Language: English, French, Hungarian
Civil Society, Human Rights
HU OSA 427-0-1 Interviews, Writings, and Other Documents (Interjúk, írások, és egyéb iratok)
[1956 - 2020]
Civil Society, Communism & Cold War, Human Rights