[Sociology of Politics:] International Political Science Association (IPSA): Marginality and Voice. Childhood in Sociology and Society

Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 429-1-3 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Political Socialization of the Youth, Sociology of Education
Located at
Archival boxes #13 / No. 8
Original Title
[Politikai Szociológia:] International Political Science Association (IPSA): Marginality and Voice. Childhood in Sociology and Society (Nemzetközi Politikatudomány Társaság (IPSA): Marginalitás és hang. A gyermekkor a szociológiában és a társadalomban)
Primary Type


Contents Summary
Marginality and Voice; Childhood in Sociology and Society Conference at Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany; Abstracts; Mihály Csákó: White or red? or do they teach democracy in Hungarian schools?; Philippe De Vries, Christ'l De Landtsheer, Wannes Heirman, Kim Boudiny: The ideal mayor seen through the eyes of children a Belgian case study in perception politics; Ursula Winklhofer: Does participation blur the boundaries of childhood; Heinz Sünker: Education and Reproduction of Social Inequality: German politics and sociology of education; Heinz Sünker: Social Work, Social Politics and Justice; Russell F. Farnen: Class Matters: Inequality, Socio-Economic Status (SES), Education and Childhood in the US/Canada Today; Heather Beth Johnson: From the Chicago school to the new sociology of children: The sociology of children and childhood in the United States, 1900-1999;
Marginality and Voice; Childhood in Sociology and Society Konfrencia a Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany egyetemen; Abstracts; Csákó Mihály: Fehér vagy piros? avagy nevelnek-e demokráciára a magyar iskolákban?; Philippe De Vries, Christ'l De Landtsheer, Wannes Heirman, Kim Boudiny: The ideal mayor seen through the eyes of children a Belgian case study in perception politics; Ursula Winklhofer: Does participation blur the boundaries of childhood; Heinz Sünker: Education and Reproduction of Social Inequality: German politics and sociology of education;
Heinz Sünker: Social Work, Social Politics and Justice; Russell F. Farnen: Class Matters: Inequality, Socio-Economic Status (SES), Education and Childhood in the US/Canada Today; Heather Beth Johnson: From the Chicago school to the new sociology of children: The sociology of children and childhood in the United States, 1900-1999;