Published in: Sobranie Dokumentov Samizdata, Vol. 5. English title given by RL; one copy, one Western reproduction and one copy of publication in NRS. Published Versions: NRS, 12 Apr. 1970; Posev, No. 4, 1970, p. 5; R. Mysl', 16 Apr. 1970 (supplement); (Ger.) Christ und Welt, 4 Apr., 1970; Die Zeit, 10 Apr. 1970.
Contents Summary
Petr Grigorenko's commentary on his Short Chronicle (see AS 342) with conclusions about the meaning of the authorities' actions against him that took place in Uzbekistan.
Комментарий П.Г. Григоренко к его "Краткой хронике" (см. АС 342) с выводами о смысле предпринятых против него действий властей в Узбекистане.