- Panel discussion with U.S. Representative for the KLA (Kosovo
Liberation Army) Dino Asanaj, Christian Science Monitor journalist Jonathan Lariday, and Univ. of San Francisco Professor Siephen Zunes. Dr. Bob Arriot's report describing the sanitary conditions in Albanian refugee camps, and the potential health problems, is included.
- Panel discussion with GOP Consultant Alex Castelanos and Democratic Consultant Steve McMahon
- John Hockenberry reports: on the atmosphere among the Kosovar refugees in Albania.
-Ron Allen reports on the political situation in Belgrade and the Serbian media. Statements by Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Vuk Draskovic and the London School of Economics Professor Geoffrey Stern.
- Jim Miklaszewski reports from the Pentagon. Statement by Pentagon Spokesman Ken Bacon.
- Interview with Ken Allard, MSNBC Military Analyst and retired U.S. Army Colonel.
- Andrea Mitchell reports on issues dividing NATO members. Statements by Richard Haas of the Brookings Institution, Ken Allard, Former NATO Adviser in Bosnia, Senator John McCain, and NATO Spokesman Jamie Shea.
- Interview with Dr. Harold Brown, former Secretary of Defense.