A végegyházi Szabadság tsz Munkaérdemrendes elnöke, Kerekes András átveszi a kongresszusi zászlót
Primary Type
Still image
Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.
András Hegedüs hands over the flag.
Text on the flag: Central Leadership of the Hungarian Working People's Party. For the Excellent Work in the Congressional Competition. 1954.05.24.
Hegedüs András átadja a zászlót.
A zászló szövege: Magyar Dolgozók Pártja Központi Vezetősége. A kongresszusi versenymben elért kiváló munkáért 1954.V.24.