HU OSA 361-0-15 Photographs of András Hegedűs as a Politician (Fényképek Hegedűs András államférfiről)

Identity Statement

Reference Code
HU OSA 361-0-15
Photographs of András Hegedűs as a Politician
1951 - 1968
Description Level
Extent and medium (processed)
1 Archival card box, 0.32 linear meters


Name of creator(s)
Hegedüs, András
Archival history
The photos were donated to OSA by a family member, together with the personal papers of András Hegedüs. Accession number 361/2015-1

Content and Structure

Scope and Content (Abstract)
57 paper prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The majority of the images are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. Mátyás Rákosi, Ernő Gerő and other Communist leaders of Hungary appear in some of the pictures, too.

Not Expected

Conditions of Access and Use

Conditions governing access
No restrictions.

Allied Materials

Publication note
The images were processed and catalogued by Judit Hegedüs, scanned by Lenke Szilágyi, and described by Zsuzsanna Zádori. 6 June, 2022.


HU OSA 361-0-15
Fényképek Hegedűs András államférfiről
1951 - 1968
Leírás szintje
Terjedelem, adathordozók (feldolgozott)
1 levéltári kártyadoboz, 0.32 folyóméter


Készítő(k) nevei
Hegedüs, András
A megőrzés története
A fényképeket egy családtag adományozta az OSA-nak, Hegedüs András személyes irataival együtt. Leltárkönyvi bevételezési azonosító: 361/2015-1

Tartalom és Szerkezet

Tárgy és tartalom (Kivonat)
Hegedüs András 57 fényképe, papír nyomatban, amelyek nagyrészt az 1950-es években készültek.
A fotók többsége sajtófotó. Hegedüst politikusként ábrázolják, és a kommunista pártgyűléseken, iskolákban, gyár- és szövetkezeti látogatásokon való részvételét mutatják be Magyarországon és külföldön. Rákosi Mátyás, Gerő Ernő és más magyar kommunista vezetők is szerepelnek néhány képen.

Nem várható

Hozzáférés és Felhasználás


Kapcsolódó anyagok

A gyűjteményt rendezte és katalogizálta Hegedüs Judit. Digitalizálta: Szilágyi Lenke. A leírást készítette: Zádori Zsuzsa.
Call Number Description
Archival card box #1
András Hegedüs with His Advisor / Hegedüs András tanácsadójával, 1953
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-001
András Hegedüs and Kliment Vososhilov with a Large Entourage Visit an Agricultural Land, 1952
Hegedüs András és Kliment Vorosilov nagy csoporttal a földeken, 1952
Kliment Vososhilov is in a white jacket and white hat.
Kliment Vorosilov fehér zakóban, fehér kalapban.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-002
András Hegedüs and Several Men on a Decorated Tribune Clasping / Hegedüs András többedmagával egy feldiszített tribünön tapsol, 1952
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-003
András Hegedüs Speaking at the Reception of the Korean Government Delegation, 1952
Hegedüs András beszédet mond a koreai kormánydelegáció fogadásán, 1952
The banner behind Hegedüs reads: We greet with Hot Love our Dear Friends the Delegation of the Government of the Brotherly Korean People
A Hegedüs mögötti transzparens szövege: Forró szeretettel köszöntjük drága barátainkat a testvéri Koreai nép kormányának küldöttségét!
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-004
András Hegedüs, Imre Nagy at a Meeting / Hegedüs András, Nagy Imre egy gyűlésen, 1948
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-005
Honors at the Casket of Bolesław Bierut, 1956
Tiszteletadás Bolesław Bierut ravatalánál, 1956
The second man behind András Hegedüs is Hungarian Ambassador to Poland Zoltán Szántó.
Hegedüs András mögött a második Szántó Zoltán varsói nagykövet
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-006
Children Placing Flower on the Grave of Bolesław Bierut / Kisgyerekek virágot helyeznek Bolesław Bierut sírjára, 1956
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-007
Statesmen in a Group on the Occasion of the Funeral of Bolesław Bierut / Államférfiak beszélgetnek Bolesław Bierut temetése alkalmából, 1956
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-008
Delivering a Speech to an Audience / Közönség beszédet hallgat, 1953
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-009
András Hegedüs as One of an Audience, 1953
Hegedüs András a hallgatóság tagjaként, 1953
András Hegedüs, a man and a woman in the first row.
Hegedüs András, egy férfi és egy nő az első sorban.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-010
András Hegedüs Delivering a Speech on a Tribune, 1953
Hegedüs András beszédet mond a tribünön., 1953
András Hegedüs is speaking standing, several people are sitting on a tribune. Behind them portraits Kossuth, Lenin and Rákosi. On the banner on the front of the tribune the words Peace, Work, Wellbeing, Rising can be read.
Hegedüs András állva beszél, mellette, mögötte emberek ülnek. Mögöttük Kossuth, Lenin és Rákosi portréja lóg. A tribune elejére erősített transzparensen a Béke, Munka, Jólét és Felemelkedés szavak olvashatóak.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-011
The Hungarian Delegation at the Soviet Agricultural Fair, 1954
A magyar delegáció a szovjet mezőgazdasági kiállításon, 1954
The delegation inspects a machine.
A delegáció egy gépet vizsgál.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-012
Memorial Meeting of the Parliament in Debrecen, 1954
Az Országgyűlés ünnepi emlékülése Debrecenben, 1954
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Provisory National Assembly in 1944 in the Great Reformist Church in Debrecen. In the front row Hegedüs, Rákosi and Imre Nagy.
Az Ideglenes Nemzetgyűlés 1944. december 21-i megalakulásának évfordulóján a debreceni Református Nagytemplomban tartott emlékülés. Az első sorban Hegedüs, Rákosi és Nagy Imre.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-013
András Hegedüs Holding up the Model of an Agricultural Machine, 1952
Hegedüs András egy mezőgazdasági gép makettjét emeli a magasba, 1952
Hegedüs and a few other face a huge crowd. Posters read: Workers of Hanság; Long Live Comrade Hegedüs, Our Candidate for Parliament
Hegedüs és még néhányan szemben a tömeggel. A transzparensek szövege: Hansági dolgozói; Éljen képviselőjelöltünk Hegedüs elvtárs
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-014
András Hegedüs with his Wife Hölzel Zsuzsanna in the Woods / Hegedüs András feleségével, Hölzel Zsuzsannával az erdőben, 1952
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-015
Kliment Voroshilov in the Middle of a Group of People, 1952
Kliment Vorosilov egy csoport közepén, 1952
Kliment Voroshilov is standing in the middle of group wearing military uniform. Behind him on his left is András Hegedüs.
A katonai egyenruhát viselő Kliment Vorosilov egy csoport közepén áll. Mögötte a balján Hegedüs András.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-016
Mátyás Rákosi Delivering a Speech, 1953
Rákosi Mátyás beszédet mond, 1953
András Hegedüs is sitting on Rákosi's right.
Hegedüs András Rákosi jobbján ül.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-017
Ernő Gerő Delivering a Speech, 1953
Gerő Ernő beszédet mond, 1953
András Hegedüs is sitting on Gerő's right.
Hegedüs András Gerő jobbján ül.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-018
Visit by András Hegedüs, 1956
Hegedüs András látogatása, 1956
Hand written note on the back says "Visit in Kat." in which Kat is the abbreviation for a place.
Kép hátulján kézzel írt jegyzet szövege: "Kat.-i látogatás"
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-019
Visit by András Hegedüs, 1956
Hegedüs András látogatása, 1956
Hand written note on the back says "Visit in Kat." in which Kat is the abbreviation for a place.
Kép hátulján kézzel írt jegyzet szövege: "Kat.-i látogatás"
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-020
Work Award Winner President of Liberty Agricultural Cooperative of Végegyháza András Kerekes Receives the Congressional Flag, 1954
A végegyházi Szabadság tsz Munkaérdemrendes elnöke, Kerekes András átveszi a kongresszusi zászlót, 1954
András Hegedüs hands over the flag.
Text on the flag: Central Leadership of the Hungarian Working People's Party. For the Excellent Work in the Congressional Competition. 1954.05.24.
Hegedüs András átadja a zászlót.
A zászló szövege: Magyar Dolgozók Pártja Központi Vezetősége. A kongresszusi versenymben elért kiváló munkáért 1954.V.24.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-021
Liberty Agricultural Cooperative of Végegyháza Receives the Congressional Flag, 1954
A végegyházi Szabadság tsz átveszi a kongresszusi zászlót, 1954
András Hegedüs and Cooperative president András Kerekes in the middle.
Text on the flag: Central Leadership of the Hungarian Working People's Party. For the Excellent Work in the Congressional Competition. 1954.05.24.
Text on the banner: With Even Better Work We Strive to Carry Out the Resolutions of the 3rd Congress of Our Party!
Középen Hegedüs András és Kerekes András tsz elnök.
A zászló szövege: Magyar Dolgozók Pártja Központi Vezetősége. A kongresszusi versenymben elért kiváló munkáért 1954.V.24.
A transzaprens szövege: Még jobb munkával harcolunk pártunk III. kongresszusa határozatainak végrehajtásáért!
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-022
Work Award Winner President of Liberty Agricultural Cooperative of Végegyháza András Kerekes Receives the Congressional Flag, 1954
A végegyházi Szabadság tsz Munkaérdemrendes elnöke, Kerekes András átveszi a kongresszusi zászlót, 1954
András Hegedüs shakes hands with András Kerekes.
Text on the flag: Central Leadership of the Hungarian Working People's Party. For the Excellent Work in the Congressional Competition. 1954.05.24.
Text on the banner: With Even Better Work We Strive to Carry Out the Resolutions of the 3rd Congress of Our Party!
Hegedüs András kezet ráz Kerekes Andrással.
A zászló szövege: Magyar Dolgozók Pártja Központi Vezetősége. A kongresszusi versenymben elért kiváló munkáért 1954.V.24.
A transzaprens szövege: Még jobb munkával harcolunk pártunk III. kongresszusa határozatainak végrehajtásáért!
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-023
András Hegedüs and Kliment Vososhilov with a Large Entourage Visit an Agricultural Land, 1952
Hegedüs András és Kliment Vorosilov nagy csoporttal a földeken, 1952
Kliment Vososhilov is in a white jacket and white hat.
Kliment Vorosilov fehér zakóban, fehér kalapban.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-024
András Hegedüs at a Youth Meeting, 1946
Hegedüs András ifjúsági gyűlésen, 1946
A meeting organized by the Hungarian Democratic Youth Organization (MADISZ). The banner in the background reads: Forward Towards the Organizational Unity of the Village Youth
A Magyar Demokratikus Ifjúsági Szövetség (MADISZ) rendezvénye. A háttérben a felirat: Előre a falusi ifjúság szervezeti egységéért
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-025
Kliment Voroshilov and András Hegedüs Among the People, 1952
Kliment Vorosilov és Hegedüs András az emberek között, 1952
Voroshilov surrounded by village people bends over a baby pram.
Vorosilov falusiak körében egy babakocsi fölé hajol
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-026
András Hegedüs in an Agricultural Cooperative in Shanghai / Hegedüs András egy sanghaji termelőszövetkezetben, 1954
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-027
András Hegedüs at an Agricultural Fair in Moscow / Hegedüs András a moszkvai mezőgazdasági kiállításon, 1954
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-028
András Hegedüs at an Agricultural Fair in Moscow, 1954
Hegedüs András a moszkvai mezőgazdasági kiállításon, 1954
The man on the far right is Hungarian agricultural professional and politician Pál Losonczi.
A jobb legszélső férfi Losonczi Pál, mezőgazdász és politikus.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-029
András Hegedüs Delivers a Speech on the Visit of the North Korean Delegation to Hungary, 1956
Hegedüs András beszédet mond az észak-koreai delegáció magyarországi látogatása alkalmából, 1956
The man on the far left is Kim Il-sung.
A bal szélső Kim Ir Szen.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-030
Dinner with the North Korean Government Delegation, 1956
Vacsora az észak-koreai kormánydelegációval, 1956
Kim Il sung is in light color suit in the middle. The woman wearing a white dress is Pak Den-ai.
Kim Ir Szen világos öltönyben középen, a fehér ruhás nő Pak Den Aj
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-031
Kim Il-sung Toast at the Visit of the North Korean Government Delegation to Hungary, 1956
Kim Ir Szen poharát emeli az észak-korai kormánydelegáció magyarországi látogatásán, 1956
Sitting on Kim Il-sung's two sides are András Hegedüs and Mátyás Rákosi.
Kim Ir Szen két oldalán Hegedüs András és Rákosi Mátyás ül.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-032
András Hegedüs in Shanghai, 1954
Hegedüs András Sanghajban, 1954
The third from the right is General Mihály Szalvai.
A harmadik férfi jobbról Szalvai Mihály tábornok.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-033
András Hegedüs in an Agricultural Cooperative in Shanghai, 1954
Hegedüs András egy sanghaji termelőszövetkezetben, 1954
The man in military uniform is General Mihály Szalvai.
A katonai egyenruhás férfi Szalvai Mihály tábornok.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-034
Kim Il-sun Congratulates Ballet Dancer, 1956
Kim Ir Szen balettáncosnőnek gratulál, 1956
The woman in white dress is Pak Den ai
A fehér ruhás nő Pak Den Aj.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-035
Kim Il-sun at the Airport in Budapest, 1956
Kim Ir Szen a budapesti repülőtéren, 1956
To Kim Il-sun's right are Mátyás Rákosi and András Hegedüs
Kim Ir Szen jobbján Rákosi Mátyás és Hegedüs András
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-036
Kim Il-sun at the Liberty Statue on Gellért Hill, 1956
Kim Ir Szen a Gellért-hegyi Szabadság szobornál, 1956
On Kim Il-sun's right is Mátyás Rákosi and on his left András Hegedüs.
Kim Ir Szen jobbján Rákosi Mátyás balján Hegedüs András.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-037
Kim Il-sun Inspects a Motorcycle, 1956
Kim Ir Szen megtekint egy motorbiciklit, 1956
Across from Kim Il-sun is András Hegedüs, the woman in the middle is Pak den ai.
Kim Ir Szennel szemben Hegedüs András, a nő középen Pak Den Aj.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-038
Kim Il-sun Inspects a Motorcycle, 1956
Kim Ir Szen megtekint egy motorbiciklit, 1956
Across from Kim Il-sun is András Hegedüs, the woman in the middle is Pak den ai.
Kim Ir Szennel szemben Hegedüs András, a nő középen Pak Den Aj.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-039
András Hegedüs and a Czech Politician Visiting the President of the Municipality of Shanghai / Hegedüs András és egy cseh politikus látogatóban a sanghaji tanácselnöknél, 1953
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-040
The Hungarian Delegation Visiting a Department Store in Shanghai, 1953
A magyar delegáció meglátogat egy sanghaji áruházat, 1953
On András Hegedüs' left General Mihály Szalvai.
Hegedüs András balján Szalvai Mihály tábornok.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-041
Hungarian Delegation in Nanjing / A magyar delegáció Nankingban, 1953
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-042
András Hegedüs on the Parliament Floor / Hegedüs András a parlamenti ülésteremben, 1953
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-043
András Hegedüs with Members of Liberty Cooperative in Végegyháza / Hegedüs András a végegyházi Szabadság termelőszövetkezet tagjaival, 1952
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-044
Edward Ochab at the Funeral Ceremony of Bolesław Bierut / Edward Ochab Bolesław Bierut búcsúszertartásán, 1956
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-045
Ministers of Agriculture of Socialist Countries / Szocialista országok mezőgazdasági miniszterei, 1954
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-046
Group Photo of the Students of the Central Party School of the Hungarian Communist Party, 1946
A Magyar Kommunista Párt Központi pártiskolája hallgatóinak csoportképe, 1946
On András Hegedüs' left is Károly Csendes, Júlia Rajk and Zoltán Komócsin. In front of Júlia Rajk is László Rudas, on his left Erzsébet Andics and Tamás Nagy. Third from the left in the first row is Zoltán Molnár, nex to him Susán
Hegedüs András balján Csendes Károly, Rajk Júlia és Komócsin Zoltán. Rajk Júlia előtt Rudas László, balján Andics Erzsébet és Nagy Tamás. Az ölő sorban balról a harmadik Molnár Zoltán, mellette Susán.
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-047
András Hegedüs Received at the Airport in Beijing / Hegedüs Andrást fogadják a pekingi repülőtéren, 1954
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-048
Large Group at a Funeral / Nagy gyászoló csoport temetésen, 1953
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-049
András Hegedüs Visits a Military Base in Hungary / Hegedüs András meglátogat egy katonai egységet Magyarországon, 1956
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-050
Portrait of Mária Márkus, 1965
Márkus Mária portréja, 1965
Mária Márkus was a colleague of András Hegedüs at the Institute of Sociology
Márkus Mária Hegedüs András kollégája volt a Szociológiai Intézetben
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-051
András Hegedüs with the Vice-President of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office / Hegedüs András a Központi Statisztikai Hivatal elnökhelyettesével, 1962
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-052
Portrait of András Hegedüs at the Time of Finishing Secondary School / Hegedüs András érettségi tablófotója, 1941
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-053
András Hegedüs, His Wife Zsuzsanna Hölzel and Their Six Children / Hegedüs András, felesége Hölzel Zsuzsanna és hat gyermekük, 1962
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-054
András Hegedüs Gives a Lecture in Innsbruck / Hegedüs András előadást tart Innsbruckban, 1971
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-055
Audience at a Leisurely Talk / Kötetlen beszélgetés közönsége, 1980
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-056
András Hegedüs at a Table with Members of an Audience / Hegedüs András a közönség körében egy asztalnál, 1980
[Photo prints of András Hegedüs, taken mostly in the 1950s. The overwhelming majority of the photos are press photos. They portray Hegedüs as a politician, and cover his participation at Communist party gatherings, schools, visits to factories and cooperatives in Hungary and abroad. There are a few private photos in the series as well. Copyright holder is unidentified.]
Digital version available | HU OSA 361-0-15_001-057