Published in: Sobranie Dokumentov Samizdata, Vol. 6. English title given by RL; one copy, one RL reproduction, one Telex report on the issue in English, two copies of the publication of excerpts in German; one Telex in English and one copy of English publication, both on the emigration of Telesin and Pusaliev to Israel. Published versions: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 28.6.70, No. 3 (paraphrase).
Contents Summary
Request for help to emigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel. The rest of signatories' names are indicated in the original document. The folder contains name index, created by RL.
Просьба помочь выехать из СССР в Израиль. Имена остальных подписантов указаны в исходном документе. Дело содержит именной указатель, составленный РС.