AS 355. Letter from Students of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute Expressing Sympathy to Z. M. and . P. Grigorenko, the Wife and Son of General P. G. Grigorenko
Published in: Sobranie Dokumentov Samizdata, Vol. 5. English title given by RL; one copy, one RL reproduction with notes attached, and one copy of publication in NRS. Published Versions: NRS, 15 Apr. 1970.
Contents Summary
The letter expresses sympathy to the wife and son of General Petr Grigorenko and tells that the students learnt about the case from the leaflet prepared by the Swedish-Danish-Norwegian SMOG organization and that 249 people are ready to sign the letter.
Письмо выражает поддержку жене и сыну генерала П.Г. Григоренко и сообщает, что студенты узнали о его деле из листовки шведско-датско-норвежской организации СМОГ, и что свои подписи готовы поставить 249 человек.