
Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #596 / No. 3
Digital ver. identifier
Original Title
Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
31 min.
January 28, 29, 30 and 31


Television program
Contents Summary
Borivoje Urginovic reports from Kosovo: border incident on Kosovo-Albanian border. Fifty Albanian terrorists attempted to enter Kosovo, three were killed. Footage of arms found on terrorists. Two terrorists killed as they attacked Yugoslav police in village of Racin. Yugoslav Army members discovered a large amount of weapons and hand grenades (footage). OSCE representatives were informed.

02:26.03.27–02:27.53.07 – English language report:
- Albanian terrorists have completely destroyed records in the community offices of Junik and Trznic, while records in Strelce were salvaged, but in poor condition.
- Kosovo and Metohija information secretary says ethnic Albanian terrorists attacked a police station in Luzane – no lives were lost.
- Albanian terrorists opened fire on Serbian houses in the village of Nevoljane – police responded and stopped the attack, arrested a KLA member.
- The Ukrainian president condemns Albanian separatism in Kosovo.

- Tatjana Jovic reports from London: Contact group meets in London, asks two parties to start talks. Contact group did not consider the military solution, and stated it will not let terrorist to disrupt talks.
- Snezana Rodic reports on Russian Diplomacy Chief Ivanov's press conference: all members of contact group decided on political dialogue - force was not mentioned.
- Russian Exterior Ministry opposes and condemns Javier Solana's threats of using force.
- Madeleine Albright stated that it was important to motivate Kosmet negotiations; dialogue should result in concrete results.
- Joschka Fischer rejects speculation on NATO military intervention.
- Official Peking holds that no force should be used for finding a solution in Kosmet.

- Yugoslav border patrolmen stopped an attempt by armed ethnic Albanians to illegally enter Yugoslavia. Three of the group's members were killed. A large array of weapons was confiscated.
- Policeman Predrag Rakovic was killed in terrorist attack on a police patrol in the village of Rogovo – 24 attackers died in the showdown. Automatic guns and other weapons were found on the terrorists. Terrorists supposed to be part of group that attempted to illegally enter Yugoslavia yesterday. Footage of weapons – some are from Croatia. Photos show some terrorists foreign mercenaries from Muslim countries.

02:34.19.23–02:35.44.08 – English language report:
- Predrag Rakovic and about twenty terrorists killed in Rogovo. Clash occurred when group of Yu policemen went to arrest terrorists hiding in house.
- In the villages of the Decani municipality, terrorists are burning all records and citizenship books.

- Milosevic comments on contact group statements given earlier.
- Report on UN General Secretary Anan and Russian Premier Primakov talk on Kosovo.
- World news agencies react to contact group meeting – agencies stress integrity of Yugoslavia is not under question.
- Leading Moscow journals carry Primakov's message that contact group did not consider using force or ultimatum – pressure needs to be put on Albanians.
- Peking stresses that the international community is turning to a political solution to the Kosovo and Metohija problem.
- German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer is satisfied with the contact group meeting.
- Italian media reports on contact group meeting.

- Report on Rogovo incident; comment on Greenit's findings and his mistakes and confusion as he reported on Rogovo incident. "Confused as a child caught lying".

(Should be translated!)

- Report from Pristina on seven young people who were wounded during an attack on Cafe Galleria, and their medical condition. Commentary on attack: another Albanian separatist attempt to kill innocent young men and women in Southern Serbia as well as to slow down solution to crisis.
- Serbian police official states that the police respect all decisions made by the international community, but Albanian terrorists are intensifying attacks.


02:42.33.17–02:44.14.05, Serbian Television Evening News:
- Serbian Radical Party commentary on events in Kosmet.
- Report on Albanian terrorist attack on a Serbian house in Kosmet.
- Head of Pristina Institute for Court Medicine states all wounds on bodies from Rasak were inflicted by firearms – Finnish representative of group of forensic experts states he won't comment the abduction findings until analysis is finished.

- Report on a loyal citizen of Serbia, and sixth Albanian this year found in Kosovo killed by one bullet fired in his head.
- Milovan Drecin reports from Podujevo and increased presence of terrorists who attack Serbian and Montenegrin civilians and Yugoslav police and Army forces. Footage of terrorists building bunker. Police action succeeds in breaking up terrorist gangs. Footage of freed bunkers and trenches. Terrorists used trench diggers (footage).
- Report on Igor Ivanov's (Russian Minister of the Interior) statement that the possible use of force would only worsen the situation in the Balkans.
- Al Gore gives an interview to SKY television: the U.S. still hasn't decided whether to send ground troops to Kosovo in order to oversee the peace agreement between the Serbian government and the separatist guerillas. Tony Blair states there is a possibility of military solution.
- Chinese press minister states China is for a political solution and against foreign forces meddling to solve the crisis.
- Yugoslav ambassador to Greece gives statement on Kosmet to Greek daily – Yugoslavia is suppressing terrorism.

02:49.16.11–02:55.18.24 (END OF TAPE), English language news:
- Chairman of National Patriotic Alliance of Russia meets with Milosevic.
- Slobodan Milosevic receives Robin Cook and emphasized need for peaceful solution in Kosmet and Metohija.
- The Serbian government states that signing the agreement for a peaceful solution shows readiness for dialogue and adds that Albanian representatives only disrupt peaceful negotiations. Key to solution equality for all ethnic groups.
- Yugoslav Army spokesman states Army is professionally carrying out its tasks and protecting the Constitution.
- Since the arrival of OSCE verifiers, more than 500 terrorist attacks have been committed by Albanian separatists. Attempts of illegal crossing, confiscation of weapons. Incidents confirmed by OSCE.


Associated Names
Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS) (Producer)