AS 412. Letter to Bernadette Delvin, a Belfast Representative of the British Parliament, by 8 Political Prisoners held in Mordovian Camps for Defense of Soviet National Causes.
АС 412. Письмо 8 политзаключенных мордовских лагерей, участников национального сопротивления, латышского, литовского и армянского, Бернадетте Девлин, члену британского парламента от Белфаста.
Published in: Sobranie Dokumentov Samizdata, Vol. 6. English title given by RL; one RL publication and one copy of publication in Russkaya Mysl'. Published versions: R. Mysl', 24 Sept. 1970.
Contents Summary
Letter expressing support to B. Devlin. The defended national causes are: Latvian, Lithuanian and Armenian.