Evening News

Call Number

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Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #599 / No. 2
Digital ver. identifier
Original Title
Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
50 min.
March 4 and 5


Television program
Contents Summary
News in English:
- Report cut off.

- Evening News in Serbian:
- General Dragoljub Ojdanic visits the Pristina Corps and Yugoslav Army troops near Djakovica, Pec and Prizren. Ojdanic: has faith in soldiers and commander border guards in Kosovo, mission is to defend country; Yugoslav Army welcomes peaceful resolution of the Kosovo-Metohija problem; Srbija and Yugoslavia can survive only by keeping Kosmet (cited).
- Dr. Vojislav Seselj at a meeting: Serbian people want no foreign troops in Yugoslavia; no autonomy for Kosovo-Metohija.
- Serbian Renewal Movement: terrorists continue attacks against Yugoslav government forces, police and civilians; more on illegal activities by Albanian terrorists (cited).
- (00:30:35–00:31:50) Serbian public reaction to foreign troops' involvement in Kosovo.
- News brief (BEGINNING CUT OFF): On OSCE: spokesperson for verifying mission, Beatrice Lacoste (sp): cannot confirm burning of houses in Iglarevo, a predominantly Albanian village. Spokesman for Prizren mission, Simon Gary (sp): no Kosovo Albanian refugees in Prizren area. Regional director, General Michele Mison-Knepf (sp): Yugoslav Army treats local population legitimately; Yugoslav army and Serbian police cooperate with OSCE. Siptars' intentions to use the period until March 15 to create the so-called humanitarian catastrophe is discovered. OSCE's representatives to Kosovar Albanian reporters: avoid use of unchecked and unbalanced information that put OSCE's missions in great danger (all cited).
- (00:32:59) Russian Foreign Minster Igor Ivanov meets British Foreign Minister Robin Cook in Moscow. Ivanov: Yugoslavia is a sovereign state, no foreign troops there without Belgrade's approval; Contact Group's main task: resume negotiations on March 15 and sign an agreement with Russians ending the crisis in Kosovo; UK intends to cooperate in finding a resolution to the crisis (all cited); Cook: comments on meeting with Ivanov.
- Dutch government on trial for its support of NATO's threats against Serbia and the Serbs.

Foreign Media Coverage:
- Macedonian magazine Puls cites Jan Oberg of the Foundation for Peace Movements: superpowers use small conflicts to reassert their world power.
- Berliner Zeitung : Kosovo-Metohija terrorists funded through drug smuggling, KLA's income is 900 million DM; financial support and weapons illegally funneled to Kosovo-Metohija; war taxes imposed on all Albanians living abroad are another source of income for terrorists (cited).

World News:
- U.S. bombardment of Iraqi oil pipeline (footage provided); China concerned over US-UK attack on Iraq; Turkish president disapproves of U.S. strike against Iraq; China Daily: U.S. should worry about human rights abuses at home instead of interfering in other countries' internal affairs.

00:37:30–43:22 – Traditional Serbian song (starogradska).

00:43:22 – News in English:
- Federal government meeting: establish tighter border controls to protect against illegal insertion of terrorist groups into Kosovo-Metohija; Byelorussian Vice President Ural Latipov meets Yugoslav Minister of Foreign Affairs Zivadin Jovanovic – condemns terrorism and separatism in Kosovo-Metohija and NATO's threats against Yugoslavia; agreement abolishing visas signed.
- (00:44:16) General Dragoljub Ojdanic visits Yugoslav Army units in Pec, Djakovica and Prizren (same as in 00:27:39)
- Igor Ivanov meets Robin Cook (same as in 00:32:59).
- Ethnic Albanian terrorists kill two Serbs, brothers in Milic, near Vucitern, north of Pristina.

00:46:23 – Serbian Television Evening News:
- Serbian public reactions to Kosovo crisis.
- Serbian Socialist Party rally, various speakers: The Serbs will defend Serbia and Yugoslavia.
- (00:48:51) Priboj: rally of support for Federal government and Milosevic's policy, various speakers: want to live in peace and find peaceful solution to crisis in Kosovo; Serbs do not accept Holy Serbian land's secession and NATO's aggression; no Kosovo without Serbia.
- (00:51:46) Serbian Radical Party: OSCE observers's arrogance reached a peak when they joined the terrorists in burning Kosovar Albanian houses to entice western journalists into believing that the Serbs are to blame for the exodus of the Albanian ethnic minority from Kosovo-Metohija, an action their American leaders see as a warrant to deploy NATO troops in the region. Serbia will never accept foreign occupation. (cited)
- Serbian Renewal Movement: on the Serbian attitude toward the Rambouillet peace talks – Kosovo must be kept through political settlement; the loss of Kosovo would become a national tragedy and unforgivable treason.
- British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook meets Russian Foreign Minister Evgeny Primakov: comments on the meeting.
- Russian Foreign Ministry representative Vladimir Rahmanjin: foreign troops in Yugoslavia only if Yugoslav government agrees.
- Reactions of Russian Duma to Kosovo crisis: Genady Zhuganov (sp) pointed to similarities between NATO's actions (which breach all international conventions) and those of the pre-WWII Nazi Germany under Hitler (cited); other comments on NATO's intentions featured.

00:55:58 – On Foreign Media Coverage:
- German magazine Konkret: the West, including Germany, aids terrorists with money and weapons; KLA and Albanian drug traffickers are synonymous; Germany responsible for the rise of terrorists in Kosmet, as well as funding and supplying them with equipment and establishing KLA's command structure (all cited).
- The Jordan Times: U.S. applies double-standards towards the Kurds and Albanians from Kosmet; The Al Asvah (sp): Rambouillet showed that the Serbs obey international law and respect the international community; The Al Arabal Al?: KLA members are terrorists recruited from mafia.
- (00:57:14) Serbian Radical Party: bashing of Carlos Westendorp for dismissing President of Republika Srpska Nikola Poplasen (cited).

00:58:30 – News in English – News brief:
- Serbian government meets to prepare for Paris negotiations: Rambouillet peace proposal contradictory to Contact Group's ten points. Russian Foreign Ministry meets to discuss Kosovo crisis. Ethnic Albanian terrorists attacked Serbian police food transport near Magura village: six policemen seriously injured; OSCE present at the scene.

01:00:56 – Serbian Television Evening News:
- The Beginning of this report is cut off.
- Discussion of Roberts Owen's decision regarding Brcko.
- Yugoslav Defense Minister meets Russian counterpart to discuss NATO policy in Yugoslavia and bilateral cooperation.
- (01:02:12–01:05:59) Serbian public reaction to Kosovo crisis; statements in support of Yugoslavia by Russian filmmakers; Vladimir Meshnyov, Vadim Abdrashitov, and Valerij Prijemihov.
- Zitogradja: rally in support of Yugoslav government policies; excerpts from speeches: Kosovo is Serbia, no foreign troops on Yugoslavia's soil.
- Serbian Renewal Movement: basis for peaceful solution achieved in Contact Group's Ten Principles; Kosovo is foundation of Serbian statehood and spirituality, hence cannot accept agreements which separate Kosovo from Serbia (cited).
- Kosmet's People's Party (NPK), a predominantly Albanian party: as negotiations between Serbian government and Kosmet Albanians draw nearer, Siptar terrorist increase attacks against Yugoslav army, police, and civilians to undermine peaceful resolution of the Kosmet crisis; call to Albanians from Kosmet and abroad to rise against terrorism and the change of borders and to support the official Federal government line; NPK supports Yugoslav efforts in Rambouillet (cited).
- Russian Foreign Ministry: Yugoslavia a sovereign state, foreign troops in Kosovo only with Belgrade's approval (cited).
- Albright-Cook London meeting: discussion of Kosovo crisis and Cook-Ivanov Moscow meeting.

Foreign Media Coverage:
- Spanish news agency: Kosovo Albanians want to gain independence with NATO's help. Bulgarian daily Monitor: U.S. and western powers' involvement in Kosovo crisis criticized; Kosovo crisis is internal problem; Instead of condemning terrorism, the international community puts pressure on legitimate authorities; KLA-typical terrorist organization that wants Kosmet's secession from Yugoslavia and its affiliation with Greater Albania. Yugoslav daily Politika cites The Washington Post article criticizing Albright's policy (cited). (TRANSLATE–unlikely language in American press: gomile naoruzanih Albanaca koji su takav olos da naspram njih irska rep. Armija deluje velicanstveno. Ovo je verzija filma "Ratom protiv istine" koji mi gubimo od Albanaca...)
- (01:13:00) On RS: Owen Roberts' decision to change the status of Brcko and Westendorp's to replace RS president Nikola Poplasen heighten political tensions in RS. Zivko Radisic resigns: decisions undermine RS and BH constitution and violate Dayton agreement. Petar Djokic: the Brcko decision unacceptable; the West favors Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Croats. Brcko is besieged by SFOR; Serbian Radical Party organizes protest in the city.
- Reactions to events in Brcko – Russia: will evaluate the decision. Britain: decision violates Dayton agreement; U.S. imposed its will upon Europe; legal aspect of replacing Nikola Poplasen unclear. Spanish daily El Pais: the West wants to show Serbia it is still in charge; Spanish daily Diario 16: printed Poplasen's letter to Carl Westendorp; The New York Times and The Washington Post: decision on Brcko caused political crisis in RS; two decisions coincide strangely; U.S. stands behind everything (all cited).