Beta TC: 02:39:11-03:09:00
- Yugoslav army headquarters proclamation.
- Yugoslav President Milosevic meets with Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister, Chinese ambassador to Yugoslavia, and Yasushi Akashi.
- Reactions to the announcement of Yugoslav forces' withdrawal from Kosovo from: London, China, Russia, the US, France, Macedonia, Brussels, and Bonn.
- Chinese government sends four requests to the U.S. and NATO.
- Russian Envoy to Yugoslavia, Victor Chernomyrdyn (sp), to meet with Chinese government leaders in Beijing.
- Worldwide protests against Chinese embassy bombing.
- The U.S. ceases all diplomatic travels to China; protests around embassies of NATO countries in China continue.
- Macedonian citizens attack NATO soldiers stationed in Macedonia.
- Announcer reads: Pope John Paul II meets Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova.
- From the Hague: Yugoslavia asks for a halt in bombing and war reparations.
- Yugoslav Minister Goran Matic: NATO hired extras to pose as refugees on the Yugoslav-Macedonian border.
- Four civilians die in the bombing of Cacak; bombing of Kraljevo continues.
- Major General Nebojsa Pavkovic and Major General Vladimir Lazarevic visit the Pristina corps.