Beta TC: 05:40:56-05:52:00
- Bulgarian Professor Ivan Angelov speaks out in support of President Milosevic.
- Hungarian authorities allow a Russian humanitarian convoy to pass through Hungary on their way to Yugoslavia.
- One NATO bomb hits a passenger train in Grdelicka Klisura.
- JUL Party welcomes Yugoslavia's acceptance into the Union of Russia-Byelorussia. Statement by JUL spokesman Ivan Markovic.
- Reactions to NATO bombing during Easter by the Serbian Radical Party, the Serbian Renewal Movement, and the Serbian Democratic Party.
- Montenegrin Socialist People's Party statement in support of Serbia.
- Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences President Dejan Medakovic speaks at a Serbian Writer's Guild meeting.
- Reaction by French political analyst Yves Bataille to French government policies in NATO's campaign against Yugoslavia.
- Announcer reads a commentary by Le Figaro editor Alain Griolleray.