
Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #646 / No. 2
Digital ver. identifier
Date of air
Primary Type
Moving image
30 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
- 58 years ago, without a declaration of war, Hitler's Nazi air force bombed Belgrade for several days.
- Documentary on the April 6, 1941 Hitler's bombing of Belgrade. (includes archival footage) Political commentary as footage of Hitler turns into Clinton's image. Clinton's crimes against humanity worst than Hitler's. (TRANSLATE)
- More than 10,000 Belgrade residents commemorated April 6, 1941 attack on Belgrade. Short statements by Belgrade residents. (TRANSLATE) The protest was continued at a concert on the Republic Square.
- Air force delegations and veteran representatives from both world wars laid wreaths on monument to pilots who defended Belgrade during Hitler's bombardment on April 6, 1941.
- Actors Mihajlo Janketic and Ivana Zigon interpret patriotic poems during anti-NATO protest on Belgrade's Republic Square.
- Footage of anti-NATO concert on Belgrade's Republic Square.
- Smederevo: footage of anti-NATO protest and concert.
- Vladimirci: anti-NATO protest and concert.
- Report on University of Belgrade: all University of Belgrade deans and college presidents form living shield on Branko bridge. Dr. Jagos Puric, president of University of Belgrade: this is a lesson to our aggressors. We want to be living shields and protect all the bridges in Belgrade.
- Last night, there were explosions in Northern Macedonia in the Jablanica Mountain range, as well as in the Šar Mountain range. This is probably due to falling NATO airplanes after hits by Yugoslav army. Macedonian citizens are frightened by these explosions. Near Kumanovo, Macedonian citizens demolished a NATO vehicle. An Albanian was killed by Macedonian forces. He was a link in the arms and drug trafficking chain.
- The Macedonian Prime Minister stated in Skopje that everyone from the West betrayed Macedonia, which is now left on its own to solve the refugee problem. The Western media, like CNN, had accused Macedonia of not taking care of the refugees. The world is more worried about the refugees than the 2 million Macedonians. Macedonian economy has suffered tremendously because of the war waged by the West. The prime minister also stated that explosions are common throughout Macedonia, as well as grenades.
- Genady Seleznov, Russian Duma president (in Russian, Serbian interpreting): Russia is decisive to stop the air strikes. We can only do it with your help, you have to stay firm as rocks, and have much patriotic spirit. The Russian nation is with you with its heart and soul. This is the first time such a powerful alliance of 19 countries attacked such a small independent country, and still cannot do anything to harm it.
- Report from Moscow: Igor Ivanov, Russian Foreign Minister, stated in press conference: NATO's goal is clear - to separate Kosovo from Serbia. Igor Baburin and Roman Popkovic are lobbying to send Russian weapon aid to Yugoslavia. Georgy Memedov will lead the Russian delegation at the G-8 meeting.
- Byelorussian president, Alexander Lukashenko, stated Yugoslavia is fighting a just fight. NATO's action might lead to WW3. The Western alliance wants to impose a new world order.
Report on foreign media coverage:
- Beijing: The Chinese government: NATO must immediately stop air strikes against Yugoslavia. NATO is increasing attacks to include civilian targets. The aggression is now condemned throughout international community. The aggression is the reason for all the refugees in Kosmet. China is to take appropriate actions.
- Leading Chinese daily: demand that NATO immediately stop air strikes. Humanitarian catastrophe was caused by NATO.
- New York: President of the UN General Assembly stated peace was not far. Diplomatic initiatives to solve the situation in Kosovo will soon begin.
- Israeli foreign minister stated everything should be done to stop the suffering, caused by criminal NATO bombing, of innocent civilians in Yugoslavia. Albanians want to separate Kosovo from Yugoslavia. This would make Kosovo a center for Islamic terrorism which would then spread to the rest of Europe.
- Bonn, Germany: Leftist and moderate politicians in Germany keep protesting against NATO aggression on Yugoslavia. The Green party founder asked Joschka Fischer to resign. A chief of the Conservative Coalition also spoke out against the aggression. The Social-Democrat Hamburg mayor also joined him.
- British government highly cynical: money for help to Albanian refugees is being collected. The government first used tax money to finance weapons and bombs which caused suffering to the people, and is now collecting money to ease the suffering caused by their bombs.
- Report from London: American administration and British administration infighting. Blair went against his own government and decided to go alongside the White House policy. Diplomatic initiatives are being undertaken. British media report that there are more and more civilian targets that are being hit, and that there are civilian losses. The London Times thinks sending troops by helicopters to Kosovo would be direct involvement in the Kosovo crisis.
- Report from Washington, D.C.: The U.S. propaganda newspapers, such as The New York Times, although they mostly cover up American massacres caused by the aggression, reported on several blatant NATO lies. Here are a few: although NATO finally obtained satellite pictures proving Serbian forces were ethnically cleansing Kosovo, no one has seen those pictures so far. The reporter commented: even NATO officials confessed none of the photos are proof that there are indeed concentration camps and mass graves in Kosovo. NATO never gave proof for the huge number of lies. Pristina was really destroyed by NATO air strikes, and its residents fled from the bombs. The New York Times also reported on Rugova's meeting with Russian officials, which goes against American administration's claim that Rugova is under house arrest. The Goebbels-like people of the American propaganda are making more and more mistakes.
- Le Monde, France: demanded that the French president explain to the nation whose war this really is, American, French, or German. The aggression has been overtaken by General Wesley Clark, whose dream is to march into Belgrade with his tanks. The escalation of the aggression has reminded Europeans of WW2, when Hitler, like Clinton, wanted to create a new world order. Le Figaro: a French state councilor warns the war against Yugoslavia went against all legal norms, including the French constitution, the Atlantic Pact, and the UN Charter. The French despise their politicians – they were led from peace into war, and accounts will have to be settled.
- For the first time since the beginning of the aggression, leading Western news agencies are focusing on civilian victims and destruction of civilian targets. The fact that NATO criminals are killing innocent civilians cannot be suppressed in the West. Reuters and Associated Press covered news of the towns where civilians became innocent victims. However, NATO criminals are trying to claim the killing of civilians and destruction of their homes as military success. They are lying that only military targets are being hit. Media in their countries are accusing them of bombing not to prevent humanitarian catastrophe, but to save NATO's face. Albanian refugees are left to terrorist gangs and war profiteers. Albanian police is cruel to the refugees. The media is wondering what Kofi Annan and the UN is doing. The UN is not holding any conferences, or attempting to stop the aggression against Yugoslavia.
- Serbian Radical Party: the aggressor is targeting hospitals, schools, and historical monuments in our country. The air strikes clumsily excused by humanitarian catastrophe represent insanity of American administration. It is unbelievable not one humanitarian organization spoke out after 13 days of bombing and civilian losses in our country. This is proof such organizations, are really spies for the American administration, and that they only provide Albanian terrorists with food. Yugoslav army will be able to defend the country.
- Serbian Renewal Movement: anti-NATO statement. NATO is targeting civilian targets. Vuk Draskovic: Albanians were manipulated during the aggression and should return to their country. Serbs are a noble people and have never harmed civilians during any of their wars (cited). NATO is mistaken if they think they can destroy the Yugoslav army (direct).


Associated Names
Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS) (Producer)